Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Higher education marketing and the battle for meaning.

Third in a three-part blog series on a concept that the author R. Todd Erkel calls “the battle for meaning.” We will look at the evolution of higher education marketing and its relationship to code, content, Google’s algorithm, and page one organic search results.  The Battle for Meaning in the Age of Name-Image-Likeness Once upon […]

ChatGPT: Friend or Foe of Marketers
ChatGPT: Friend or Foe of Marketers?

Can ChatGPT help under-staffed and under-resourced marketing teams become more productive? We analyze each marketing function and rated its performance.

The Ultimate and Definitive Guide for Higher Education Marketing
The Ultimate Guide to Higher Education Marketing

This guide was written to help under-resourced, small to medium colleges and universities who can’t compete in the marketing arms race and yet need to out-wit and out-smart the deep-pocketed Goliaths. We call them small giants. As one of the leading higher education marketing agencies, we learned the strategies and tactics presented here from serving […]

cause marketing and the battle for meaning
Cause marketing and the battle for meaning.

Three examples of companies, their special cause marketing initiatives, and keyword phrases pivotal for winning their battles for meaning.

Vaccine Confidence and the Battle for Meaning

This three-part blog series considers how companies and cause marketing can mature beyond nourishing brand loyalty and secure keyword phrases linked to bedrock principles.

Thinking of Marketing as an Ecosystem
Thinking of Marketing as an Ecosystem

Marketing, like ecology, is a complex ecosystem of reciprocal relationships thriving in a network of mutuality. Parts grow, interdependence begins and symbiotic relationships form. It adapts to each new season.

B2B Marketing Trends for 2023
B2B Marketing Trends for 2023

Ranked as one of the best B2B marketing agencies, we are frequently asked to share our thoughts about emerging marketing trends. We see three main forces impacting the B2B environment: First, Gen-Zers are entering the job market. In the past few years, there has been a generational shift from Boomers to Gen-Xers and Millennials. By […]

Higher Education Marketing Trends for 2023

The ground shifts again. Here are the top ten digital strategy trends that will shape higher education marketing in 2023.

The Ten Faces of Successful Marketing Leaders
The Ten Faces of Successful Marketing Leaders

Great marketers are a rare breed. They are shapeshifters who play these ten crucial roles and gracefully switch between them.

7P's of New Academic Program Launches
7 P’s of Launching New Academic Programs

The stakes are high when higher education institutions launch new academic programs. According to Burning Glass, a market research firm, the estimated cost of sustaining a new program over a four-year period is around $2M and only a third of them succeed. When launching new programs, college leaders are looking for recipes to ensure success […]