Tune up Your Twitter for a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign
Tune up Your Twitter for a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign
LinkedIn Company Pages and University Pages are merging into one page.
College is expensive. The average cost of a four-year college degree in the United States is something like $31,374, per year. Which adds up to a whopping $125,498 by the time graduation rolls around. I’m frugal. Which basically means that I Google everything I buy in order to find the best quality and price available. […]
Snapchat is a social media super giant. With 26 million active users, over half of which are between the ages of 18 and 24, Snapchat is stealing hearts and seconds. Snapchat is currently the most popular social media app among teens. In fact, 77% of college students are using the app at least once […]
According to a recent Gallup report, 71 percent of B2B customers aren’t engaged. Meaning, they are readily willing to take their business elsewhere should an opportunity arise. Content marketing, a tactic that is widely used to boost engagement and aid many B2B challenges that underpin this problem — customer centricity, relationship building, strategic positioning, etc. […]
Facebook has recently made available a plethora of new video options for both pages and individual users to use for engaging more authentically with their friends and fans. This includes their recently released feature called Facebook Live, which allows you to connect with your fans, friends and followers by sharing real-time video of what you’re […]
Not since radio in the 1920s and television in the 1960s has a medium played such a significant role in a presidential election. In February, copywriter Erin McCarthy discussed how social media, particularly Snapchat, was changing how voters follow election results, but social media has also transformed campaigns themselves in ways that were unimaginable just […]
A report from Syncapse states that the average value of a Facebook fan is $174. How is your social media campaign stacking up?
Too often, a college or university approaches a brand development exercise unprepared for the journey ahead, and unable to fully realize the rewards at journey’s end. We offer a 5 point checklist to ensure a better experience and outcome at every step. 1. Know Your Motivation A strong, clear and authentic articulation of your brand can accomplish great things. It […]
With greater focus on social media as a marketing channel, many companies are using it to reach their audiences. But what are the real benefits of using social media for your brand? Here’s a few that come to mind: Amplified brand awareness: The sharing mechanism on most social media channels becomes the vehicle, which transports your […]