| Mar 29, 2016
A Facebook Like is Worth What?!!

In the paid advertising world, it’s easy to determine your ROI if you’re using analytics to track all of your efforts. But when it comes to social marketing, there are so many metrics and variables it can make your head spin. Not to mention that each social channel provides different data and definitions for metrics.
In Facebook, specifically, it’s all about getting fans (or page likes) and building long-term relationships with your fans.
There are numerous strategic ways to find relevant Facebook fans – both from paid advertising and organic reach.
It can be hard to put a value on engagement metrics, but a report states that the average value of a Facebook fan is $174*. So, say you were able to get 25 new page likes this month — that would equate to a value of $4K!
Implementing a strategic social campaign, with both paid and organic tactics, can help build relevant Facebook fans for your page.
Here are a few snapshots from our Client’s Facebook insights to show how a well-oiled, targeted paid + organic social campaign can help increase total page likes month-over-month.
*In their study, Syncapse “compared Facebook fans and non-fans based on their corresponding product spending, brand loyalty, propensity to recommend, media value, cost of acquisition and brand affinity,” to arrive at $174 as the average value of a fan across the large global brands in the survey.
If you are seeking a paid advertising agency, consider partnering with us.