Ideas, insights and inspirations.

My colleague, Debbie Wilson’s true story about Crocs. Enjoy Being a first time mother, my husband and I capture every moment we can on video. We post videos on YouTube on a regular basis to share with family and friends. My husband wears Crocs and my son, Jordan loves to play with his Daddy’s Crocs. It is quite amusing to see a small 11 month old child playing with Daddy’s size 14 huge shoes. He puts them on his hands and claps with them. I posted the video, as usual, on YouTube. The day after posting the video on YouTube, I received a personal message from a man who runs Social Media for Crocs, Inc. He said he saw my video, thought it was soooo cute and asked if they could use it on the Crocs blog. I was thrilled and excited and gave my permission. I received a response back offering me a complimentary pair of Crocs. I … Continue reading

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A few symptoms: 1. Unbeknownst to them, their brands are being discussed on twitter, blogs, Facebook, YouTube and other hangouts. 2. Many don’t realize that their brands are losing the PR wars in social media space. 3. They are too busy obsessing over formulating corporate guidelines and policies instead of testing and embracing social media and going on the offensive. 4. Most of them are unaware that search engines reward socially active brands, which generate fresh content. 5. As a result, many of them are missing opportunities to surround and engage their target audiences with keyword driven social media tactics. Opportunities missed include: 1. customer service 2. brand building 3. sales 4. PR 5. branding

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I’ve been faculty advisor this semester for a Master’s Project that involves marketing and building brand presence on Second Life. Consider these statistics: nine million members. 1.6 million online in the past month. Three hours, average time spent each login. And our Fortune 500 client wants to be in front of them. Why? Nine million is a big number but only 1.6 mil in the past month is no big deal, right? Maybe, maybe not. Consider the results of online research that ad agency JWT recently conducted (as reported in Yahoo News, and elsewhere) that showed, among other things, that four-fifths of the 1,011 participants felt that they could not give up the web for even a week. One third said that they gave (gave — not “would give”) up sex or time with friends for the web. Now that’s commitment. As reported in eWeek (September 20, 2007), industry analyst firm Gartner predicts that the enterprise social software market will … Continue reading

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