Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Enrollment Marketing: Three things that you would never do with your print collateral (but that happen every day on your website.)

Every day I visit the websites of potential clients who are looking for help with enrollment problems. We all know that the website is your best recruiting tool. It’s an essential part of your institution’s enrollment strategy, for attracting and the recruiting of prospective students. In almost every case, I’m amazed to find problems that […]

pinterest homepage for Elliance
How Important is Pinterest to Higher Education Marketing?

Amy mentioned in her last post the strength of Pinterest as a marketing channel. Pinterest is now the third-largest social network behind only Facebook and Twitter. For marketers, Pinterest is one more channel in the marketing toolkit that we need to think (and worry) about. In the realm of the higher education marketing industry, Pinterest […]

The best admissions yield piece ever?

To higher education marketing pros, April & May is “yield season.” It’s the culmination of all their marketing and relationship-building efforts to convert a suspect to a prospect to an applicant to an admitted student. Yield is the percentage of admitted students who actually decide to enroll. This is a big deal in enrollment marketing […]

Let’s Talk

As the director of new business development, I do a little bit of problem solving and a little bit of matchmaking. It’s my job to do everything I can to help contacts clearly articulate their challenges and then to determine if and how Elliance can help solve those problems. The best part of my day […]

Pinterest gets a new look

After a three-month test period with select members, Pinterest announced Monday that it will begin rolling out a new site design to the rest of its 48 million+ users. The design changes are relatively subtle. In the newsfeed, amount of space bordering pins has been reduced to allow for larger images and a cleaner layout. […]

Elliance SEO services
Elliance SEO Services: A Part of the Larger Picture

At Elliance we work with clients of all shapes and sizes, from many different industries. Regardless, it’s our passion for the work that helps them to reach their potential and beyond. One of our core beliefs is that SEO is a part of the larger picture. Instead of thinking of SEO as its own silo, […]

The Prospect’s Point of View

Over the past 25 years, I’ve been a prospective college student, a student, a young alum, a not-so-young alum, a donor, the daughter-in-law of a university faculty member, and the wife of a college staff member. My professional life has also revolved primarily around higher education, including enrollment marketing, for the past seven years or […]

Global MBA, Miami Style, by Manchester Business School

Tom Friedman, op-ed columnist for New York Times, recently concluded an article with this wonderful line: “when outstanding becomes so easily available, average is over.” This applies perfectly to our most recent client, Manchester Business School, which offers a truly Global hybrid MBA, where students can take classes in any of their global centers located […]

Higher Education Web Development: How to Choose a CMS

In my last blog post, I discussed the three types of CMS systems: Proprietary CMS systems, Commercial CMS systems and Open-source CMS systems. Which begs the question, which type of CMS system should a higher education institution purchase? The answer depends on your size, need for flexibility, in-house teams, budgets and risk-management. While there is […]

Higher Education Web Development: 3 Types of CMS Systems

Higher education clients often ask us for guidance on content management system (CMS). They are wondering if they should work with a web development company that offers a proprietary CMS system, a commercial CMS system, or an open-source CMS system. In this blog post, I’ll define the three types of systems: Open Source CMS Systems […]