
Summer Plans

Many of our friends and clients and prospective clients are heading into a delicate season right now. For many it’s the end of the fiscal year, meaning that whatever budget remains for marketing or communications must be very carefully managed. At the same time, clients in higher education have just three months before a new academic year begins and some are still struggling to put together the cohort of right fit students for the fall. Now more than ever, it begs the the age old question: how to do more, with less?

Of course, we can’t tell you what will work for you. Every problem is different, and each requires careful thought and a unique solution. But here can make some recommendations about how to approach the challenge.

  1. Start by defining the desired outcome. Rather than thinking to yourself, “I need a better Facebook presence,” or “I need a better website,” think “I need an additional 35 students.” Keep an open mind about what it’ll take to get you there. An unexpected solution might be exactly what you need.
  2. Be as specific as possible. With a small budget, you run the danger of spreading your efforts so thin that you’ll have no impact at all. Although it may take some political maneuvering, you’ll be more successful if you can concentrate on the promotion of specific offerings or audiences in specific geographies.
  3. Think short term results, and long term foundation. For many institutions, an urgent need requires immediate attention. But take the time now to plan so that what you do this summer can create the basis for success over the coming years. Urgent need or not: you should be thoughtful about ongoing return on even a small investment.

Interested in talking specifics? So am I. You can reach me at 412-586-1480, x648.