
Why We Love Higher Education Marketing

Three simple reasons we love working with colleges and universities:

It keeps us smart
One of our favorite parts is working with smart professors, which perpetually keeps us at the edge of digital knowledge and emerging ideas.

It keeps us sharp
Because colleges and universities don’t have big budgets, we have to constantly help them outsmart, outwit, and outcompete without outspending. Now that’s a great discipline: do more with less.

It keeps us empathetic
To be great at it, we have to really understand people from all generations. Marketing to undergraduates keeps us as tech savvy as Gen Y’ers and millenials; marketing to their cost-conscious boomer parents keeps us connected to the craft of articulating value; and marketing to adult and graduate students keeps us deeply connected with what tickles Gen X’ers.

The discipline of working with colleges and universities serves us well when we are serving other industries such as manufacturing, business services, community banks and nonprofits.

Learn more about our higher education marketing services.