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responsive digital magazine
Responsive Web Design University Magazine Launched for Alumni and Community

We are proud to launch the responsive web design magazine for Carnegie Mellon alumni and friends. Read how we achieved the herculean feat in a short 3 months.

Tracking activities on a media rich landing page

Landing pages and vanity websites are an integral part of digital marketing. These are mostly single HTML pages and come in a variety of flavors from simple text to more complex media rich pages. The latter may contain any combinations of image & video galleries, flash-driven elements, download resources, ajax elements, gadgets etc. Visitors interact […]

how the six second video is changing higher education marketing
The 6 second video and how it’s changing higher education marketing

In higher education marketing, video is a great medium to use. It provides a feel for the environment and student videos make the experience more real for prospects. And it works very well with the changes that we’re seeing in higher education marketing right now. For example: Content consumption habits are changing: User generated content […]

Top 5 higher education marketing missteps from the best college movies

Video clips of how not to market higher education from the best college movies.

The Ball Drops. Five Favorite ROI Quotes to Ponder for the New Year.

Five thought-provoking quotes on marketing ROI from digital marketing and analytics experts. Inspiration for bottom-line focused markers and CMOs.

Marketing polarities worth holding in 2014.

Holding two opposing ideas in the brain at the same time is hard, but that’s what is required daily from all marketers, specially higher education marketers. Here are the forces that you have to be thinking about in 2014: Do you have another dimension to add to this? Lear more about our higher education marketing […]

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Enrollment Marketers in the Liberal Arts

In 1990, economist David Breneman published an article,  “Are we losing our liberal arts colleges?” and spoke to the decline in the number of liberal arts colleges. Yet in 2012, the U.S. Department of Education data showed that enrollment in private nonprofit colleges and universities increased 1.9%, while total post-secondary enrollment in the U.S. declined […]

Don’t have marketable assets? Create them.

When working with clients on their higher education marketing strategies, we try to find their most marketable assets and build campaigns around them. Sometimes, the tough part is finding those distinguishable assets. These institutions no longer have that problem thanks to their clever CIOs. Five higher education CIOs who are taking the guesswork out of […]

Google: How 2013 Transformed Digital Marketing

Google recently shared an infographic depicting how 2013 transformed digital marketing. There are some great stats in here… 73% of advertisers report using social media ads 239% YOY increase in mobile queries across the Google Display Network See the full infographic: http://think.storage.googleapis.com/docs/redefining-advertising_infographics.pdf If you are seeking a paid advertising agency, consider partnering with us.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the grid

About a year ago, I took the plunge in to grid-based web layouts. For a long time, I felt that grids were too restricting for creative design and limited your choices and direction for development. Oh how wrong I was. The use of the grids is quickly becoming a standard for rapid template generation. Designers […]