Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Start Web Animations Early: A Study Guide

As a Front End developer, my job crosses over many disciplines, but this post is not about what a Front End developer/designer does (you can read a great article by Brad Frost on the topic to understand more about this balancing act). During the development of a web site, the front end plays key roles […]

Persuading Robots

I joined Elliance 6 months ago, and am learning something new every day. The one big thing I’ve learned, which sets us apart from anywhere I’ve worked in the past, is that marketing is no longer just about persuading human beings. It’s also about persuading Google Bots. The differences in what appeals to humans and […]

Manufacturing Marketing: 3 Online Tactics to Try

1. Digital Content Marketing Strategy – We know that Google and other search engines want to deliver the best quality content to their users. Top manufacturers recognize the need to produce the content “goods.” But creating top notch content doesn’t just happen; it requires a strategy, and it takes time. Blogs, white papers, and infographics […]

marketing chart
Manufacturing Marketing: Are you where your target audience is?

When choosing manufacturing marketing tactics, one thing to consider is habits of target audiences. Here’s some data which shows how habits are changing.

Manufacturing Marketing – The Importance of Branding

In a recent article, the National Association of Manufacturers reported on manufacturing statistics. Emphasized were the merits of pursuing a career in the industry. Some highlights of the post included: There are currently 12.3 million manufacturing workers in the United States. The average annual salary for manufacturers comes in at $79,553 — above the national […]

Sports and Politics = Rocket Fuel for Higher Education Enrollment

Sports and politics are ultimate flashpoint topics that will ignite any conversation hotter than combustible rocket fuel.  So how does this apply to the higher education conversation? Check out the latest buzz on how college sports and national politics are helping to ignite enrollment numbers at New Jersey’s Monmouth University. Basketball Cinderella Story Captures National […]

Manufacturing is Dead

Mark Twain is rumored to have said: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”1 We believe the same holds for the U.S. manufacturing sector. Pundits would have us believe that manufacturing is dead in America, but we beg to differ. Working in a former “Rust Belt” city like Pittsburgh gives us a unique perspective […]

Google Announces Expanded Paid Text Ads

With people relying on mobile more than ever – over half of the trillions of Google searches happen on mobile – Google recently announced changes to favor the mobile experience. Google is calling this the biggest change since AdWords launched 15 years ago, and in my 10+ years experience working in the platform, I would agree! […]

Not Just a Doorway

My family recently took a trip to Portugal and Spain. Be it my first time in Europe, I could compose a never-ending list of all the things that astounded me — from the decadent pastries to the new and exciting symphony of language that filled the air. The thing I found most astonishing, however, was […]

Plugging the Leaky Bucket

In recent years, digital marketing has exploded with rapidly changing landscape and technology making tracking and analytics a challenge.