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Higher Education Marketing ROI
Higher Education Marketing ROI – Lessons from the Field

Marketing ROI formula is easy enough. However, calculating the marketing ROI is challenging in higher education for three reasons. Read more.

Inspiration Hunting

The web is full of designs and patterns, both good and bad, new and old. At times it all starts to blur together and the sites start resembling one another. Periodically I like to see what else is out there, to see what interesting ideas have yet to become the web trend of the month. […]

Google: The giant that keeps growing.

Founded in 1998 by two Ph.D. students at Stanford University, Google has risen to become more than just a household name. Today, Google stands strong as an empire, armed with a vast arsenal of products and devices. In 2006, we published an infographic showcasing the three most popular search engines in America. It comes as […]

The art of the environmental portrait

In numerous cases, we as marketers ask those we are marketing to become the voice of the company or institution they represent. Their stories give meaning in a deeply personal way. And, in many cases, we ask those that give voice to the story to be photographed to represent their story. Nine times out of […]

HM Insurance Group Website Design
Never Build Just a Website

A few weeks ago, Elliance launched HM Insurance Group’s new website, and as we always do, we delivered a lot more than an insurance company website design.

chart on laptop
Find Meaning in Your Social Media Analytics

Find Meaning in Your Social Media Analytics

“My Goodness, Look At How Your Social Media Has Grown!”

The times are sure changing. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have taken their products to a whole new level of social.

instagram active user chart
That’s another story…

In just nine months of existence, Instagram Stories has gained over 200 million daily active users. How can we use this medium in higher education marketing?

image from pixar's toy-story
#theStruggleisReal | Designing Search

Krystal Duke walks a fine line between utility and innovation in website design, creating something new that’s never been done before that users will understand.

Manufacturing Talent
Digital Strategy to Overcome the Talent Shortage in Manufacturing

Craig Otto, Director of Brand Development at Elliance, talks about digital strategies to overcome the talent shortage in the manufacturing industry.