Our passion for visual thinking gets recognized in unexpected places. Randy Krum included our ‘Page Rank Explained’ infographic in his recent book.
Our passion for visual thinking gets recognized in unexpected places. Randy Krum included our ‘Page Rank Explained’ infographic in his recent book.
How can we balance automation and human intuition in SEO keyword research to achieve optimal results for higher education clients?
Google recently introduced a secure search protocol – meaning that every search performed on Google is now secure. Any keyword typed in as a Google search will be listed as “not provided” to the website owners using analytics software. This means that website owners will not have access to the keywords that directed readers to […]
When you search on Google, your results include data that is part of their Knowledge Graph – Google’s name for the way information is displayed beyond the normal search results. As part of the knowledge graph, Google lets you link your website search listings to your Google+ account using microdata. I used www.elliance.com as a […]
When it comes to a paid search (PPC) campaign, it’s not just important to make sure that your ads are seen. It’s important to make sure that they’re seen by the right people. Your goal is to ensure that the people who see and click on your ads are likely to connect with you and […]
Retargeting is a form of online advertising that can help you keep your brand in front of prospects or customers after they leave your website. Did you know that 98% of visitors leave websites without converting?! That means that for every 100 visitors to your website, only two are likely to take a next step […]
Many people approach PPC and SEO as completely separate strategies. But if your PPC and SEO campaigns aren’t talking to each other, you’re wasting time and money. It’s important to share insights learned in each area to avoid duplicated efforts and missed opportunities. When used strategically, PPC can actually help your SEO strategy. Here are […]
If it’s not already, it should be! When strategically managed, PPC can be a lead-generating machine for qualified prospects. Here’s why: Target by location: Target a specific state, city, or radius around your campus in which to run your ads. If you know most of your prospects come from five states, then you run ads […]
If done right, SEO will literally outlive your website. On the internet, we don’t often think of our media as having any intrinsic permanent value. News headlines are expired within minutes; tweets are gone in a flash. Blogs squabble and compete for our momentary attention before disappearing again into obscurity. Even websites rarely stand the […]
At Elliance we work with clients of all shapes and sizes, from many different industries. Regardless, it’s our passion for the work that helps them to reach their potential and beyond. One of our core beliefs is that SEO is a part of the larger picture. Instead of thinking of SEO as its own silo, […]