
Is PPC a part of your Higher Education Digital Strategy?

If it’s not already, it should be! When strategically managed, PPC can be a lead-generating machine for qualified prospects. Here’s why:

Target by location: Target a specific state, city, or radius around your campus in which to run your ads. If you know most of your prospects come from five states, then you run ads in those states alone.

Immediate visibility: PPC ads begin showing the minute you turn them on. This can be highly effective if you have a deadline quickly approaching and need to generate applicants. It can also be a great way to promote a new program you may be offering. You can generate interest quickly with PPC ads, and also drive prospects to an open house visit to learn more about the program.

Quickly test and change messaging: With PPC ads, you have the ability to immediately change an application deadline or open house date, for instance, on an as-needed basis. You can also quick test different messages to see which resonates with prospects better.

Target keywords you can’t rank for organically: If there are keywords that you can’t get ranked for in the search results pages, PPC can get you there. It’s not always possible to organically rank for high volume, competitive keywords. PPC ads allow you to still advertise and show for these keywords.

Remarketing: Remarketing allows you to show your ad to prospects who’ve previously visited your website as they browse the Web. It’s a powerful way to stay in front of prospects with highly relevant ads.

Utilizing these PPC efforts with different higher education strategies will maximize your budget and drive qualified leads.

Learn more about our higher education marketing services and search marketing services.