Ideas, insights and inspirations.

Earlier this month, Google announced a significant change to their AdWords advertising platform – “Enhanced Campaigns.” The new functionality of “Enhanced Campaigns” allows for more efficient campaign management when advertising across multiple devices – PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, hybrid devices, mini-tablets, and more. Here’s a quick look at the specifics behind this change. Why “Enhanced Campaigns”? Accordingly to Google, a recent study of multi-device consumers found that 90% move sequentially between several screens to accomplish a task. When Google realized that potential customers search for brands on computers, tablets and smartphones, they realized they needed to adapt to how users search seamlessly across devices. What Has Changed? If you are running a mobile-targeted campaign, with mobile specific ads, the biggest change is that you are now able to do this without having a separate mobile campaign. You can now mark an ad as “mobile preferred” and Google will know to serve this ad to a mobile search. If your mobile … Continue reading

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Let’s talk for a minute about the word “online” in the world of SEO. Online education isn’t what it used to be. Students, parents and educators alike are embracing the benefits of taking classes online, at a distance, as scheduling allows. More and more universities are offering the very same courses at a distance, with the same paper diploma at the end. As a result, millions of working adults are able to pursue a quality higher education. Enrollment is booming, profits are up. Even employers are shifting towards indifferent acceptance when it comes to what method a person used to receive his/her degree, according to a recent study. With this sea change toward legitimacy in online learning, I pose a very simple question: how has search behavior changed for the search term “online“? Let’s look at Google Trends: Take a search like “online criminal justice degrees”. This is a term similar to one we optimized a couple years ago for … Continue reading

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A shift from outbound to inbound marketing can seem like a major transition for any institution. We recommend getting started by taking stock of your current approach.

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A typical Google results page includes ten organic results along with sponsored ads on the top and right hand side of the page. Out of millions of webpages out there, Google selects the top ten pages for page one results for any given query. The listings include a title, URL and short description, called a snippet, which provides an introduction to the website that you are being invited to visit. Imagine standing on a street with multiple storefronts all selling similar things. If there are five candy stores adjacent to each other which one do you choose? Probably the one that looks most attractive from outside. The case is similar on a search results page. The title, URL and description all act as a storefront for your website. They need to be catchy and attractive to stand out from the other results and draw searchers’ attention to encourage them click through to your website. A search result snippet is usually … Continue reading

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Despite all the cultural and technology changes in the past ten years, today’s enrollment marketing professionals are still largely relegated to email blasts, while the one-to-one interactions are the domain of their colleagues in recruitment. It is now time for marketing and recruitment teams that previously worked in silo — with separate revenue goals and success metrics assigned to each — to be much more closely aligned. And delivering on that promise means coordinating the technologies used by each department. Marketing teams used to be responsible for creating leads, which would then be passed along to the recruitment team for follow up. But advances in online analytics and other tools now allow marketing professionals to gain far greater insights into what prospects are doing online. Combining web analytics with landing pages, email and link tracking tools and other tools that aggregate social media activity has clarified the pattern of individual online activity. In other words, marketing professionals can clearly define … Continue reading

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Google, when determining the ranking of a page, takes hundreds of factors into account. The precise algorithm is a closely guarded secret, but over time and through our work with a variety of clients, we have determined four major optimization factors that one should focus on when optimizing a page. We created an SEO factors infographic to explain this concept. One of those optimization factors is the URL of a page. When we optimize client sites — whether in higher education, manufacturing, or any other industry – we often run into situations where page optimization calls for URL optimization. To have a well-optimized page, the URL of the page should be search friendly, should clearly represent the information on the page, and should be consistent with the overall website structure. But in many cases, this is easier said than done. Here are some issues which can make URL optimization a challenge: The URL is tied to page title, header or … Continue reading

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Higher education marketing professionals traditionally equate the “new year” with the turning of an academic calendar, the approach of 2013 is good reason to offer 5 New Year’s Resolutions.

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No region in the world understands the countervailing forces of hope and despair related to the manufacturing economy more viscerally than Southwestern Pennsylvania. As a young adult, I witnessed first-hand the cataclysmic fall of Big Steel when the region added 124,000 new unemployed people — fathers, mothers, siblings — in a flash of economic destruction between August 1981 and January 1983. In the 30 years since, the United States remains undecided about the most fundamental questions. Can American workers and companies compete in a global workforce and market? Do our schools and education bureaucracies effectively prepare young people for advanced manufacturing careers? Will companies invest in American workers rather than reflexively seek cheaper labor? Elliance has seen the power of smart manufacturing marketing to make a difference for companies seeking bigger/better customers globally, and a stable, reliable workforce locally. We apply many of the same concepts of “right-fit” matching from our work in higher education marketing to the world of … Continue reading

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At Elliance, we believe that a mix of smart website structure and content, search engine optimization and pay per click (PPC) work can effectively grow the pool of international prospects.

Here are some areas to focus on when you consider a PPC campaign for recruiting international students.

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My fellow webizens: As millions gather today and cast their votes for the next President of the United States, we are reminded of America’s fundamental commitment to democracy these last 237 years — from the throwing off of monarchy and oppression in 1775, to the continuous and peaceful transition of power within the world’s most diverse society. Yet somehow on the Internet, we now find ourselves in a struggle against tyranny in its most pervasive form. The Age of Revolution was arguably the crowning achievement of democracy in human history, which saw the founding of the United States and the French Republic, the restructuring of tyrannical societies, and the kindling of self-determination. The world was reawakened to Greek political ideals, brought forth through the writings of philosophers like John Locke and Rousseau, who wrote that the human spirit always longs for democracy. I propose that today we are in the midst of a Second Age of Revolution, this time farther … Continue reading

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