
Marketing for Manufacturers: Dawn of a New Era

Once upon a time, marketing departments at manufacturers were sales driven organizations. They were run by people who rose through the ranks of sales and assumed the titles of VP for Sales & Marketing. They shied away from less familiar branding and marketing techniques that their B2C brethren lived for more than one hundred years.

Then the world changed. Brazil, India and China emerged as formidable competitors. Concept of “India-price” and “China-price” surfaced. Commoditization became the norm. Life as usual couldn’t go on. A better story needed to be told.

To outwit and outsmart the hungry competitors, manufacturers have turned to retail marketers. Informed by them, they are challenging three long-held traditions and beliefs of manufacturers:

1. The sacred equation of manufacturing marketers read like this:
Marketing = Tradeshows+Direct Mail+Brochures +Ads+Thomas Register+PR

However, they have evolved the equation so it now reads as follows:
Marketing = Tradeshows+Direct Mail+Brochures+PR2.0+Website+SEO/Content+Paid Advertising+Banners+ Webinars+Social Media+Email+Surveys+YouTube

2. Another infamous equation of manufacturing marketers
Role of Marketing = Drive Demand.

However, they are embracing a broader equation so it now reads as follows:
Role of Marketing = Drive Demand + Build the Brand + Nurture Reputation.

3. Finally, the mantra “present-the-facts-and-they-will-come mindset” is being replaced with “use-marketing-imagination-to-nurture-long-term-relationships”.

Elliance, headquartered in the heart of the Rust Belt in Pittsburgh, not only witnessed, but is honored to have shaped this ongoing transformation. Included below are a few seminal cases that illustrate this sea change.

For Miller Welding, a manufacturer of large scale assemblies, we built a photo-intensive website with wonderful tours and great story telling, positioning them as a high-end manufacturer. The result: rfp’s thickened, sales grew from global customers and invitations were received and partnerships were formed with green manufacturing giants.

Miller Website Before Elliance looked like this:
Miller Welding Before

Miller Website Relaunched By Elliance looks like this l:
Miller Welding After

For Sophisticated Alloys, Inc. a custom and speciality alloy maker, we created a gem of a website reflecting their rightful position as master alloy maker for medium and enterprise clients, and secured top rankings on Google for all their capabilities. The result: rebirth of a small giant with sophisticated clients calling from across the planet.

Sophisticated Alloys Website Before Elliance looked like this:
Sophisticated Alloys Before

Sophisticated Alloys Relaunched By Elliance looks like this:
Sophisticated Alloys After

Not long ago, amazed by their passion for precision manufacturing, we positioned Oberg as the rightful leader in precision manufacturing space. The result: confidence and momentum that enabled Oberg to thrive in the great recession of 2008-2011.

Oberg Website Before Elliance looked like this:
Oberg Before

Oberg Website Relaunched By Elliance looks like this:
Oberg After

Most recently, we relaunched the website for Aerotech, a true global leader in motion control products. We have intentionally repositioned them as a leading brand and not just a leading manufacturer in their category; they are now poised to double their business in the next 3-5 years.

Aerotech Website Before Elliance looked like this:
Aerotech Before

Aerotech Website Relaunched By Elliance looks like this:
Aerotech After

And before that we had the privilege to position Chromalox as the leader in precision heating and controls, Black Box as the service leader in networking products, and numerous other manufacturers.

It has been a great joy and a special privilege to work with so many high expertise, high knowledge manufacturers. Despite the proclamations of doom and gloom, we see US manufacturing is thriving again. We see an increasing number of manufacturers who are breaking the spell that has been cast on them, insourcing and not outsourcing, becoming their own champions, and embracing the proven techniques of branding and modern marketing. As Mark Twain once famously said “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”.

Contact us if you are seeking a smart manufacturing marketing agency which can help you join the elite group of manufacturers growing their company’s share of mind, voice and market.