Ideas, insights and inspirations.

Designer Krystal discusses why colleges and universities should focus more efforts on their Instagram footprint.

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With the introduction of Instagram and Facebook stories, what changes is Snapchat making to stay relevant and win their users back?

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Find Meaning in Your Social Media Analytics

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The times are sure changing. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have taken their products to a whole new level of social.

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Tune up Your Twitter for a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

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It used to be that a face-to-face meeting and a classic hand shake was all it took to seal the deal. Nowadays, manufacturing marketers realize that it takes a bit more to land a lucrative contract and is why digital is playing such a large part in manufacturing marketing strategy. According to The Content Marketing Institute (CMI), digital content marketing which includes social media, video and email newsletters has become the fastest growing segment of results driven manufacturing marketing and sales. In 2015, CMI told us that manufacturing content marketers relied heavily on the following three digital marketing channels: YouTube was the top social media tool for manufacturing content marketers in 2015. Manufacturing content marketers named the following social media platforms the most effective for their 2015 campaigns: So this year, hop on the manufacturing marketer trend wagon by elevating your social media, video production and e-newsletter output. Learn more about manufacturing marketing strategy and how to improve lead generation … Continue reading

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Does anyone feel that the current crop of social media apps and tools resembles the produce section at your local supermarket? There are so many social media channels to choose from and just like fruit and vegetables, you need to choose the right ones for a delicious dish. Core social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are the standard bearers and like the lettuce in a good salad. Some social media tools such as Instagram and Pinterest share the same premise but function with a different flavor and heat like all of those colorful peppers in a green grocer’s case. Have you ever noticed those weird shaped alien looking fruits and vegetables like Buddha’s Hand or Romanesco? They look really cool but you just can’t find a good use for them yet… sort of like the social media tool Chirp. Then there are various types of hybrid fruits like the the pluot (plum and apricot) and tangelo (tangerine and pomelo) … Continue reading

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Most people draw a clear line between conventional marketing of products and services, and social marketing, which broadly defined applies marketing principles to change human behavior in order to improve health or benefit society. But what happens when you bring a social issue forward that almost nobody knows even exists — one that goes to the very heart of an American ideal as old as the Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. True in countless respects, but not when it comes to gauging a child’s future academic success. Some children simply are born “gifted” or “talented” — and that wealth of talent spreads equally across all segments of the American population, regardless of race, religion, geography or family income. Researchers count about 3.4 million academically gifted American school children in grades K-12 who happen also to be poor. Here is where the story gets interesting. Year after year, grade after … Continue reading

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It’s simple. It’s about people, their stories and their relationships. It’s about compelling storytelling. It’s about telling stories with great photographs, great videos and intriguing ideas. If you follow these three guidelines with your social media, you will be very successful. Learn more about our social media marketing services.

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According to Inside Higher Ed, “About two-thirds of high school students use social media to research colleges, and more than one-third of those students use social media to help decide where to enroll.” So why do colleges and universities post unsharable content to social channels that are designed for sharing? Posting the merits of your curriculum, class schedules and holiday wishes for your current students has a certain amount of utility. But is that content, which could easily be relegated to a page on the University’s main site, being shared with prospective students? Probably not. Social media is about people. People use it to post pics of themselves and friends. People use it to promote their righteous cause. People use it to find righteous causes to support. So it’s no wonder that posts about inspirational alumni, professors and community leaders get passed around much more than a post about summer scheduling. The University of Pittsburgh recently shared a tremendous story … Continue reading

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