Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Limits of Algorithms & Numerati

In this day and age of the algorithms, everyone including me is gaga over algorithms. However, algorithms have limits, especially in matters of inalienable rights such as healthcare, education, liberty and justice. For instance, if algorithms are applied to increase healthcare insurance costs for select individuals/organizations based on sex, age, past use of health benefits, […]

Web Strategy 101: What do you want more of?

If you don’t know the answer to this simple question, you might as well postpone the web redesign project. Answers could range from increased sales of key product lines, growth of right-fit clients, expand geographic reach, define a distinctive position, align with new business strategy, relaunch the brand, to widen the sales funnel. If you […]

10 Telltale Signs That You Need To Redesign Your Website

The Website is not your #1 lead source or sales source The website doesn’t exude your passion, craftmanship, and thought-leadership Words are used but they are not weaved into compelling stories There is more telling and less showing The website frustrates prospects who can’t find what they want within 3-5 seconds It’s unclear to a […]

What’s your networth?

Purely aside from the fact that I love this concept, the question raised is increasingly important, and increasingly broad. It used to be that you were the sum of what the people in your sphere of experience knew of you. And while that hasn’t essentially changed, the sphere has expanded, and now what people know […]


What happens when the economy goes south? Well, the obvious stuff — as consumers and as businesses we buy less, postpone major purchases, waste less, and try to develop a sense of financial aikido to defend ourselves from an unforgiving market. One of the things we get really good at is stretching dollars by keeping […]


Well, “nag” is a strong word, but here’s an interesting site that will keep you electronically engaged. A friend of mine pointed me to I Want Sandy (www.iwantsandy.com), a web assistant . Sandy is very nice, for a figment of my digital imagination, and sends timely, pleasant reminders to my email inbox and/or my mobile […]

Marketers increasingly get the “e.” Don’t they?

An eMarketer newsletter late last year was headlined “CPG Starts Thinking Outside the Box,” and projected that CPG (consumer package goods) companies “will spend $920 million on all forms of Internet advertising (2007), up 33% over 2006,” with that number going to $1.81 billion by 2011. I remember many years ago when Proctor & Gamble’s […]

eMirrors, eWindows

A million years ago (well, 1978) I was at the Museum of Modern Art in New York enjoying an exhibition put together by then-curator John Szarkowski entitled “Mirrors and Windows.” The thesis of the exhibition was that photography was either a mirror of what was around the photographer or a window into the photographer’s or […]


Back when my day job was advertising, the Holy Grail of advertising was WOM: word of mouth. If your spot or print ad could generate positive WOM (“buzz” in those days was something only insects did. By the way, this was only 8 years ago), it was golden. I just blundered across an eMarketer report […]

Closing the loop on customer service

I recently took my 6-year-old son to the Ringling Brothers Circus and was really impressed with the focus on the customer. Buying tickets from Ticketmaster was comparatively easy (though the nanoseconds you have to actually make the purchase could be extended), and printing out your tickets ala airline e-tickets was great, but the really impressive […]