Ideas, insights and inspirations.

My colleague, Debbie Wilson’s true story about Crocs. Enjoy

Being a first time mother, my husband and I capture every moment we can on video. We post videos on YouTube on a regular basis to share with family and friends.
My husband wears Crocs and my son, Jordan loves to play with his Daddy’s Crocs. It is quite amusing to see a small 11 month old child playing with Daddy’s size 14 huge shoes.

He puts them on his hands and claps with them. I posted the video, as usual, on YouTube.

The day after posting the video on YouTube, I received a personal message from a man who runs Social Media for Crocs, Inc.

He said he saw my video, thought it was soooo cute and asked if they could use it on the Crocs blog.

I was thrilled and excited and gave my permission.
I received a response back offering me a complimentary pair of Crocs.

I am so thrilled and excited that my son’s video will be on the Crocs blog and I am so impressed with the Social Media department at the speed of finding the video and the way they handled the situation. I will be a Crocs customer for life.
My husband always wore them and liked them, I will now get some for myself and my son. We will become one happy Crocs wearing family!

Well done, Crocs.

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