Aha! :: Elliance Blog

“Gimme the Short Version”: How to Simplify Your SEO Reports

You’ve probably been through this before. The status reports you prepare (regularly or by request) are well-researched, carefully detailed… and they’re going right over the heads of less SEO-minded people at your company. Your boss, your marketing folks, your IT team: they want the highlights, and they want to know that everything is going ok […]

Letting Go of AP Style: Journalism vs. Writing for the Web

Sure, journalists make the best content marketers. We enjoy asking the hard questions, and we laugh at what you laypeople consider “tight” deadlines. But what happens when you take a J-school vet, and put her to work writing for the web? Gratitude, first of all, to no longer be working in a dying industry. But […]

ROI of Higher Education SEO Rankings
ROI of SEO for Colleges, Universities and Higher Education Institutions

Gods smile on colleges and universities that pursue and achieve top organic rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Prosperity takes many shapes and forms for colleges ranked on page #1 of search engines. e.g. 1. Prospective Students find the college, inquire, show up at open houses, apply and enroll. 2. Prospective Parents find the college […]

What Brands Have to Learn from @sweden

I have to imagine that @sweden’s citizen-driven Twitter “experiment” is waking up many a marketing director’s concerns about social media—ergo their brands—in the hands of the masses. As part of its Curators of Sweden campaign, Sweden’s government-sponsored tourism agency turns the reigns of the @sweden Twitter account over to a different citizen each week. This […]

Higher Education SEO – Reclaim Your Keywords

It’s time for colleges and universities to engage in higher education SEO to reclaim their rightful claims to keywords from lead aggregators, content farms, ranking agencies and others.

higher education marketing
Takeaways from “Think Education,” Google’s Higher Education Marketing Summit

To be successful in the ever-changing higher education marketing space, ensure top rankings in search results, mobilize your brand, and leverage the power of video.

Manufacturing Branding and Its Rise to Preeminence

When choices proliferate, branding ascends. The Internet has created a truly global marketplace. More national competitors and more international competition from Europe, India, China and Brazil are acting as a forcing function for the adoption of branding by B2B Manufacturers. When it comes to branding, the only way to see the world is through the […]

Have you thought about your iPad visitors lately?

Luke Wroblewski’s most recent Data Monday post compiled astounding iPad stats. In two years, Apple has sold 67 million iPads, and is by far the leading tablet device. So leading, in fact, that its closest sales competitor is itself—the number 2 tablet is an older iPad, currently on sale at a lower price. With this in […]

We Want Our Website To Be Mobile-Friendly

Trickier than it sounds! Some pictures are worth far more than a thousand words.

Manufacturing SEO: Pearls of Wisdom

Scarcity and fear are perhaps the greatest motivators for change. Most manufacturers, like other organizations, change their behaviors drastically only when facing the prospects of recession. Every recession has motivated manufacturers to adopt new marketing tactics. Even though search engines have been in play for over a decade and have been adopted by fast moving […]