
When Words Fail Us

The view from Mt. Washington.Anyone who has ever spent more than a few hours in Pittsburgh has probably seen it: the view from Mt. Washington. Rising above the city on the south side of the Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio Rivers, the steep hill provides a breathtaking view of Pittsburgh’s skyline. Far below are the city’s many modern and historic buildings, bending streets and colorful bridges. Boats glide up and down the rivers, trains wind through the hills, a million lights twinkle as far as the eye can see. When you stand on Mt. Washington, you are looking down on one of America’s great cities, nestled in some of the most dynamic terrain in the country. (In fact, USA Today named the view from Mt. Washington the second-most beautiful view in America!)

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of taking a friend from Germany up to Mt. Washington. This was her first trip to the United States, and she knew almost nothing about Pittsburgh. It was after sunset, and as our car slowly ascended the hillside, she found herself glued to the window, in awe as we rose higher and higher. When we reached the top and parked the car to get out, she was speechless. We stood on the overlook and peered out over the city, and my German friend had no English words to explain what she saw. The city lights reflected off the water like an oil painting. A train whistle sounded far below and echoed through the hills. It was to her almost like a dream, and her words failed her at that moment.

Sometimes all the parts of a search campaign, and the efforts of all the people involved, come together brilliantly and leave us speechless. After months of hard work, after thousands of combined hours of writing, researching, promoting, developing and collaborating, we produce results for our clients that are literally awe-inspiring. There is beauty in these moments, when copywriters, developers, marketers and clients work in harmony and contribute to a successful search campaign.

I have had the pleasure of working with such a talented team on a number of incredibly successful search marketing campaigns. No fewer than a dozen people played a significant role in achieving first page rankings for some of the most challenging keywords we’ve ever pursued. As we continue to climb mountains and grow as a search department, let’s pause for a moment, take a look and see what we’ve accomplished.

If words fail us, it’s because we don’t need them. The results speak for themselves.

The Elliance SEO team is expanding. We are currently seeking a Search Marketing Strategist and an SEO Marketer.