Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Branding a College or a University: A Five Step Process

Your brand already exists. Your brand is the foremost expression of your college or university. It’s the lens through which you invite the world to view your work, your product, your significance. Many colleges and universities struggle to create a distinct brand. In truth, brands are not created. They exist, and it’s just a matter […]

Why rebrand a college or a university?

Colleges and universities are rebranding themselves at an increasing rate. Here are a five common reasons for a brand makeover: 1. “We need to reach new frontiers.” We want to widen the nexus, expand our reach, grab new markets, seek new revenue streams. 2. “The world has changed and we are still relevant.” The world […]

Higher Ed Marketing: Caveat Emptor

A ruling by Judge Rudolph Contreras of the Federal District Court for Washington, D.C. last week set back efforts by the U.S. Department of Education to deny federal financial aid dollars to the lowest performing for-profit schools. For the time being, the marketplace will decide — students and parents matched against hyperbolic for-profit higher ed […]

Higher Education Marketing Metrics To Measure the Wellbeing of a College

At the last AMA Higher Education Marketing conference, President Mark Putnam of Central College, profoundly claimed that he could know the health of any college by looking at just two metrics: yield and retention rate. This led me to a hunt for other metrics that college presidents consider indispensable. Here is what I have found […]

Cool Bug Animations

Discovered these wonderful animations. Guaranteed to bring a smile. Miniscule wasp belle Miniscule 1-12

Kinetic Typography

Thought you might enjoy some inspiring videos: Typolution Words as Image The Ten Commandments

A Storm of Tweets

Depending on what part of the world you call home, you probably have a different reaction to the name, “Debby.”  It’s a perfectly beautiful name, and we even have a few hard-working Debbies here at Elliance.  But, when a storm by the same name rolled through the Gulf of Mexico last weekend, my perspective changed. […]

Higher Education Marketing Strategies – Promises Made & Delivered

One of the main values we add to our clients is to help them make sense of multitude of marketing strategies and dizzying channel options. Here is one framework to view all your marketing strategies: 1. Know Thyself It was Shakespeare who said “To thine own self be true”. All higher education marketing strategies begin […]

Living a Social Life

A few weeks ago, one of the speakers at the North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals conference in Chicago raised an interesting question: Is it necessary to live a “social lifestyle” personally, in order to be a social media professional? I took pages of notes at the conference, but this one idea is something […]

Context and Content Are Kings: 3 Ways to Focus Your Calls to Action

This morning I was reading a post on the Travel 2.0 Blog that hit home. Troy Thompson wrote: “Recently, I was asked to critique changes to an advertising campaign from a well-known tourism destination. While the creative was fine…amazingly not touting anything and everything…the call to action seemed, cluttered. Perhaps that was because it featured […]