Aha! :: Elliance Blog

A Web of Insincerity

A colleague of mine spoke a phrase several months ago that won’t stop ringing a clear and undeniable truth in my ear. After I showed him video from a flash mob brand launch, he said, “I hate that kind of fake energy.” That bell rang again for me this week as imposter birthday greetings between dropping through my apartment door […]

Maximize your admissions potential with social

College is expensive. The average cost of a four-year college degree in the United States is something like $31,374, per year. Which adds up to a whopping $125,498 by the time graduation rolls around. I’m frugal. Which basically means that I Google everything I buy in order to find the best quality and price available. […]

CSS Grids Layouts are coming!

This past June several Elliance team members had the pleasure of attending Web Design Day 2016. While many of the speakers presented interesting new ideas and techniques one seemed to stand out of the crowd for me, Jen Simmons’ ‘Revolutionize Your Page: Real Art Direction on the Web’. Her talk focused on upcoming web standards that […]

Manufacturing Chart
Advanced Manufacturing Demands Advanced Marketing

Advanced Manufacturing Demands Advanced Marketing

Laptop digital marketing
Taking the Bland Out of Brand: Why Authenticity Matters in Higher Education Marketing

Like their corporate counterparts, higher education needs to leverage strong marketing and branding, embrace authenticity to deliver real competitive advantage.

Social Post example
Elliance wins Hermes award for higher education social media marketing

It is a great honor for Elliance to win an award for a higher ed marketing campaign for a series of social media posts to promote a Chiropractic program.

2016 Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Manufacturing Companies

Each year Inc. magazine posts its Inc. 5000 list, which ranks the 5,000 fastest-growing private companies in the United States. The companies are assigned numerical positions in accordance with their growth rate over the past three years. This renowned list celebrates innovators and opportunity-makers across 30+ industries from Advertising & Marketing to Travel. This year, […]

Snapchat. Make the most of your next ten seconds.

  Snapchat is a social media super giant. With 26 million active users, over half of which are between the ages of 18 and 24, Snapchat is stealing hearts and seconds. Snapchat is currently the most popular social media app among teens. In fact, 77% of college students are using the app at least once […]

My favorite 2016 Olympic Commercials

For an ad lover and athlete like myself, the olympics are like super bowl, but better — I get to experience great ads for two weeks straight. (The only difference is the advertisement restrictions that the International Olympic Committee for non-sponsors but this isn’t a blog about those rules. This is a blog about the awesomeness that has […]

Reaching for reach

I have this love for story — the hear and the tell — the feel that comes from being submersed in a good narrative. I believe that I was born with this hunger for story, driven by a native curiosity to know and see and feel the world around me. That, paired with an unshakable […]