Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Should marketers make New Year’s resolutions?

A new year is always the perfect time to evaluate personal and professional goals. Which explains why the article, 10 Resolutions Marketers Should Make —And Keep — In 2017 caught my eye. I thought this article included some good advice: Marketers should resolve to prioritize the mobile customer experience. Marketers should resolve to stretch and […]

Put me in coach…

Founded in 2009, Dribbble has quickly become one of the largest digital platforms for designers to show and tell, promote, discover, and explore design. With over 500,000 users, 300+ of which call Pittsburgh home, Dribbble is changing the way designers share their work, find new clients, make friends and expand their skillset. Exclusivity has been […]

Can three words liberate corporate profits?

Neuroscientists would disagree with Juliet’s famous words from William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet Smell as sweet? yes. Perceived the same as a rose? Probably not. Brain scientists can prove with imaging techniques that different words evoke vastly […]

creates an inflection point
Can websites be engines for liberating prosperity?

Three recurring themes that our clients have shared with us after 1-2 years of their website redesign are…

The benefits of leading two lives

This art director’s hope is that everyone in the coming year will make a practice of living a rich contemplative life. Your active life will thank you.

And The Survey Says…

For the past nine years, I have been planning and promoting Elliance’s educational seminars and webinars for university administrators and business executives as an avenue to share knowledge and build relationships. So much has changed since we started offering these events that the only way I can evaluate the evolving needs of our audiences is […]

LinkedIn’s 2016 Higher Education Thought Leaders

Constructing a fresh, effective higher education marketing plan can feel overwhelming. There are so many tactics, messages, and advertising and social media outlets to consider. With appealing options and promotion tools available at every corner, there is one in-house strategy that can be easily overlooked: thought leadership. Educators are experts in their fields of study, […]

Holiday Bash Recap

Elliance held its annual employee holiday bash last night. It was tons of fun. And we had a lot to celebrate — It’s been a great year! We are so thankful for our awesome clients and freelance talent!   Happy Holidays from all of us!

The Brand Management of Hate

Come January 20th hate will have a new home. It’s called the White House. Not every person or even the majority of people who voted for Donald Trump is hateful, but haters do love him. They see a guy who is now leader of the free world, and they believe that deep down he’s just […]

moving elements off-grid
Going off the grid.

Derek talks about how moving elements off the grid on a website design can inspire you to reach outside of the box on your next project.