Aha! :: Elliance Blog

You want to see the world’s most well-practiced and ridiculous eye roll? Play me a sappy country music song. I see right through that charade – disingenuous, insipid and frankly offensive. Cue. That. Eye. Roll. To me, there are two kinds of emotional appeals in advertising and media. First, the kind I’ve just mentioned — […]

Companies and institutions with out-dated or poorly executed identities need to be aware of the perception their identity has in the markets they serve.

Take a look at a new digital magazine design created by Elliance, and learn more about their content classification process.

Read about the thinking behind the association magazine website design including strategy, design, interactive technology, and integrated advertising that is powering the news, views and advocacy engine for Oncology Nursing Society.

As a Millennial, I have been fortunate enough to reap the benefits of the invent of the internet for basically my entire life. While I do know of a world without the internet, smart phones, and Jimmy Johns online ordering system, I recognize the value that these seemingly small conveniences add to my life. Flashback […]

In December of 2016, Slate.com started testing a new article site design. One of their designers Jason Santa Maria tweeted their test page, along with a blog post introducing the new design approach. The new layout was sleek and simple, but I was personally drawn towards the articles hero image and title. The hero section […]

As I waited in the supermarket checkout lane the other day and took in the tabloid headlines, it occurred to me that fake news isn’t new at all. We’ve been inundated with it for decades. However, given our recent election, it appears that what’s new is that more and more of us are beginning to […]

Tune up Your Twitter for a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

Anyone who has ever suffered through a migraine knows the symptoms: headache, distorted vision, irritability, dizziness, nausea, etc. Anyone who has ever gone through a website content migration has probably experienced some of these same symptoms. Whether we all like it or not, in the world of digital media content migration is a necessary evil. […]

I live for stories. Simply being in the presence of a good story being told or lived right there in the moment sends adrenaline pumping through my veins. In what is one of the most inspiring TED Talks I have heard, novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shares about the impact stories can have, as well as […]