Aha! :: Elliance Blog

And The Survey Says…

For the past nine years, I have been planning and promoting Elliance’s educational seminars and webinars for university administrators and business executives as an avenue to share knowledge and build relationships. So much has changed since we started offering these events that the only way I can evaluate the evolving needs of our audiences is […]

LinkedIn’s 2016 Higher Education Thought Leaders

Constructing a fresh, effective higher education marketing plan can feel overwhelming. There are so many tactics, messages, and advertising and social media outlets to consider. With appealing options and promotion tools available at every corner, there is one in-house strategy that can be easily overlooked: thought leadership. Educators are experts in their fields of study, […]

Holiday Bash Recap

Elliance held its annual employee holiday bash last night. It was tons of fun. And we had a lot to celebrate — It’s been a great year! We are so thankful for our awesome clients and freelance talent!   Happy Holidays from all of us!

The Brand Management of Hate

Come January 20th hate will have a new home. It’s called the White House. Not every person or even the majority of people who voted for Donald Trump is hateful, but haters do love him. They see a guy who is now leader of the free world, and they believe that deep down he’s just […]

moving elements off-grid
Going off the grid.

Derek talks about how moving elements off the grid on a website design can inspire you to reach outside of the box on your next project.

manhole cover
Communication Breakdown

There are over a million results on Google for “communication breakdown in an organization”. Bob explains how to prevent this from happening in your workplace.

a blog as a cornerstone of inbound marketing strategy
A Blog About Blogging: A Cornerstone of Inbound Marketing Strategy

Are you still debating whether blogging is beneficial or not? Here are four reasons why blogging matters for inbound marketing strategy.

Manufacturing Day 2016: Spotlight Organizations

Manufacturing Day, an annual event held on the first Friday in October, “is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers.” Each year, hundreds to thousands (this year 2,200 and counting) of manufacturers open their doors to students and educators to showcase their business and to develop relationships with the community. […]

Welcome Back to Higher Education… Marketing

It’s called Back to School, Welcome Week and New Student Orientation and it is a fall ritual at most higher education institutions.  These fun-filled social events are an annual right for returning students and an initiation of sorts for incoming freshmen. College events like Back to School Week are ingrained in the campus experience and […]

higher education marketing
Linkedin’s University and Company Pages Merge

LinkedIn Company Pages and University Pages are merging into one page.