Colleges and universities can take the following 8 SEO steps to grow their undergraduate, graduate, and online enrollment.
Colleges and universities can take the following 8 SEO steps to grow their undergraduate, graduate, and online enrollment.
Colleges and college admissions teams have their hands more than full managing current and prospective students through the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic. Here is a 10-point plan to help you meet next year’s numbers: A 10-Point Response Plan for College Admissions 1. Create Online Concierges Rally financial aid to help prospects and parents understand […]
The best higher education marketing agencies are being invited by their college and university clients to solve a spectrum of challenges and achieve a set of goals – from the very routine to the most sophisticated ones. Over the last 25 years, in serving over 100 colleges and universities, we have solved the following challenges […]
Top performing higher education SEO agencies help their clients realize that fortune smiles on colleges and universities that pursue and achieve top organic rankings. Prosperity takes many shapes and forms for colleges ranked on page #1 of search engines.
At last count, more than 1,100 colleges have gone test optional. This translates to fewer names that ACT can sell to colleges for marketing. Included below are 11 proven enrollment marketing strategies for growing enrollment in your your college if you can’t rely on buying names of prospective students.
Top performing higher education marketing agencies help their clients deploy the following best practices:
In 2020, higher education marketers are battling to win an outsized share of a shrinking pool of domestic and international students. Future students are expected to be more racially and ethnically diverse than ever before. Increased marketing funding by for-profit colleges and some large public universities has unleashed a marketing arms race. Workforce preparation for […]
In 2020, higher education marketers are battling to win an outsized share of a shrinking pool of domestic and international students. Here are the 20 innovative trends that are underpinning higher education marketing. OUTLOOK & CULTURE 1. Celebrating Heroes Colleges and universities are realizing that students, alumni and faculty — not the institution — are […]
Occasionally we are asked to make a recommendation to build the higher education website in Drupal or WordPress. Here is our take on this pivotal question
Making a business case for investing in a comprehensive website redesign to ROI-minded, quant-driven cabinet members is vastly different than making a case to marketing leaders who intuitively understand the value of a great website. For quantitatively inclined cabinet members, here are five ROI metrics that we have used to justify the investment in a […]