
Manufacturing Content Marketing Strategy Agency Best Practices for Industrial Companies

Manufacturing Content Marketing Best Practices for Industrial Companies

Great content is the lifeblood of successful industrial brands. Most manufacturers are reluctant to produce content, but the few who do don’t fully understand the steps to make content “productive” in service of realizing demand generation and reputation building goals.

In an earlier post, we shared a 101 Basics Guide for Manufacturing Content Marketing Strategy for Industrial Companies. As a top manufacturing marketing agency, clients often ask us for our best practices for manufacturing content marketing strategy. We are pleased to share our list:

  1. Connect communication efforts with broader strategic sales and reputation goals.
  2. Bring an investigative mindset to extract knowledge from buyers, engineers, technologists and subject matter experts. Bring an imaginative mindset to create persuasive content.
  3. Convene your counterparts in sales, marketing, engineering, and production. Make a pact to better understand how content productivity can change the manufacturer’s destiny. Ask each representative to make a list of five non-branded keyword phrases that would be of strategic value (non-branded meaning phrases that do not use any variations and derivatives of your name).
  4. Do the research. Know what buyers, specifiers and influencers value.
  5. Incorporate key findings from internal teams and buyers into your Keyword Guide. Inform all new content creation by your Keyword Guide.
  6. Begin by creating an inventory of all existing/archived content. Measure its views with Google Analytics. Identify opportunities for fortifying it with keywords. Fortify it with keywords. Request search engines to re-index it. See the views increase.
  7. When creating new content, avoid diving deep into features and benefits right away. Reassure the prospects that you are a boundary breaker in your space. Tell them you are business problem solver. Remind them about why you exist and why you matter. A little swagger will go a long way.
  8. Ensure your content is simple, succinct, authoritative, useful and keyword informed.
  9. Tell better stories. Stories sell, facts tell.
  10. Democratize knowledge. Be positive, real, helpful, accessible, insightful, professional and knowledgeable. Avoid jargon. Educate, engage and serve buyers and influencers.
  11. Go long on proofs, short on claims. Invest your energy in creating indisputable truths. Avoid empty sloganeering.
  12. Avoid posting your content only as PDFs and embeddable flipbooks, which are beyond the reach of search engine bots.
  13. Think of content holistically. Capture iconic photographs, produce high-impact product videos, and create high-fidelity infographics that tell bigger stories.
  14. Fortify content on every touch point – including websites, social media channels, your Wikipedia entry, email signatures, newsletters, tours, webinars, and all your presentations. First impressions matter.
  15. Quantify the impact of your content on essential metrics such as page views, search engine rankings, inquiries generated, RFP’s sent, opportunities created, and deals closed.

If you are seeking an inspired manufacturing content marketing agency, consider partnering with us.