Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Google crawlers love fresh content. For instance, blog posts and news items surface on Google search results within a couple of days. And can dislodge well ranked websites from search engine results pages. However, once a piece of content makes it to the top of search engines, it is hard to dislodge it. For instance, […]

One of our recent SEO Infographics titled ‘Life of a Web Article’ was picked up by Randy Krum’s Cool Infographics blog.

A new addition to ‘University Business’ magazine article titled ‘College Search Gone Bad’ outlining the top 10 search marketing mistakes made by colleges and universities.

Even though Marketing budgets are being slashed, online marketing spending is on the rise. Here are some reasons for this paradox: 1. eMarketing provides better ROI. 2. eMarketing is more measurable. 3. eMarketing provides better tracking. You know what is working, and exactly the things that are working. 4. With eMarketing’s lower costs, marketers can […]

Read what others are saying about our seo infographics.

A few symptoms: 1. Unbeknownst to them, their brands are being discussed on twitter, blogs, Facebook, YouTube and other hangouts. 2. Many don’t realize that their brands are losing the PR wars in social media space. 3. They are too busy obsessing over formulating corporate guidelines and policies instead of testing and embracing social media […]

Just wrapping up a touching book titled ‘Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic’. Few takeaways: 1. the needs of the patient (customer) come first. 2. Teamwork isn’t optional; it powers integrated multi-specialty excellence. 3. Deliver care with time-condensed efficiency. 4. All touch points, systems, and processes are aligned with the first three values. 5. Build leadership […]

Search Engine Marketing world map. Phew. Imagine how sparse this was just 8 years ago. No international search, no local search, no social media sites like Flickr, YouTube, Odeo.

Earlier I had posted my review and critique of Stephen Baker’s book ‘Numerati’, noting that he doesn’t give b2b examples. Since the, I have been on the hunt for b2b examples. I just found another one by Otis Elevator company, which offers the following service on their website: REM® Remote Elevator Monitoring Otis developed the […]

Interestingly, senior decision makers look at eMarketing ROI based on their roles. CEOs tend to focus on downstream metrics such as aggregate ROI i.e. if we invested $x into an eMarketing program, what revenue, $y, did we get from it. How many fold is $y of $x. On the other hand, Marketing Directors tend to […]