Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Marketing for Manufacturers: Dawn of a New Era

Once upon a time, marketing departments at manufacturers were sales driven organizations. They were run by people who rose through the ranks of sales and assumed the titles of VP for Sales & Marketing. They shied away from less familiar branding and marketing techniques that their B2C brethren lived for more than one hundred years. […]

Shifting Budgets to Inbound Marketing Strategies

During these times when consumers tend to ignore billboard ads, block telemarketing calls, and fast forward through television commercials, inbound marketing is a hot topic. Tactics typically categorized as inbound marketing are ones that encourage interested prospective customers to come to you, as opposed to simply purchasing their attention through advertising and other methods of […]

Using photography to expose your brand essence.

A regular regimen of quality photography is one of the most powerful, influential, and simplest things a school can do to invest in the long-term health of its brand. Overstated? I don’t think so. A couple weeks ago, my colleague Kate Tomlinson wrote about a photo shoot we recently completed for a client and what […]

Video Powered Higher Education Branding

Anyone involved in higher education marketing and branding could learn something from the annual ritual known officially as the NFL Annual Player Selection Meeting, or more commonly, the Draft. In the early days of the league, the Draft played out in quiet seclusion, owners and general managers holed up in a New York hotel, ordering […]

Nuts about Nuts

The New York Times wrote a great and fun story about a nut company that just spent a fortune for the domain nuts.com, despite having a wonderful brand to itself and a thriving online business at nutsonline.com. We had a nice debate internally about all the search and brand impact of this decision. Read Abu’s […]

The Unbearable Narcissism of Mobile Users

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the need for judicious consideration of whether to embark on an app-building journey or build a mobile-friendly website. A couple of days later, Buzz Andersen at Tumblr said something in an interview that rings true for most of us not profoundly drunk on the Kool Aid of the […]

Challenging RFP? Read On.

As the director of new business development for Elliance, I spend a lot of time thinking about the strengths and services that we can provide for our clients. I’m very energized by the Elliance team, and I love bouncing ideas around with them and hearing their thoughts about what’s coming next in the digital world. […]

The Challenge of Properly Valuing Search Marketing Services

At Elliance, we are extremely proud of the work we do on behalf of our search clients on a daily basis.  We help improve their rankings, visibility, and brand awareness through a customized variety of search marketing services.  But, it’s sometimes very difficult to value that visibility we’re providing, both for our clients and for […]

Manufacturing Marketing Stats That Help Make Decisions

A careful read of manufacturing and B2B stats paints an interesting picture of an underlying sea change. Let’s see if we can answer some basic questions. What goals are manufacturers trying to achieve with their marketing budgets? The chart below shows that manufacturers are beginning to embrace branding as a means to outcompete, outperform, and […]

Looking for Links in All the Right Places

Best practices for linking to your mobile site from your full site, and from your full desktop site to your mobile website.