Aha! :: Elliance Blog

As the oldest of six children, I’m a classic “first-born” with all the characteristics that come with that territory. And, because I was the eldest, I was frequently assigned special duties to help my mother run the household. Much of what is most important in ROI, I learned from her. Here are four “mom-isms” that […]

According to Inside Higher Ed, “About two-thirds of high school students use social media to research colleges, and more than one-third of those students use social media to help decide where to enroll.” So why do colleges and universities post unsharable content to social channels that are designed for sharing? Posting the merits of your […]

Many colleges who invest in videos to market their higher education institution experience low views, shares and engagement. There may be many reasons as to why these videos don’t return results. However, this does not mean that one should stop using video as a marketing medium. There are many compelling reasons to continue to use […]

You want to be sure you are getting the most out of your retargeting campaigns, and most importantly, your repeat visitors. Be sure to avoid these 3 retargeting mistakes…

CMO’s should focus on digital marketing ROI rather than looking at myriad data points that are all indicators of one question: how much money did we generate?

Today was a great day for Elliance, and Aerotech. We accomplished an engineering feat which is a rare occurrence in any company’s history. A little over a year after launching their English website, we launched the German version of the website for Aerotech. The intriguing part of the story is that the German website wasn’t […]

Our passion for visual thinking gets recognized in unexpected places. Randy Krum included our ‘Page Rank Explained’ infographic in his recent book.

Buzzwords, such as “native advertising,” “brand publishing,” “custom content,” “sponsored content” and “corporate journalism” are fresh industry lingo for what advertisers have been trying to do since the dawn of advertising – appeal to potential customers with content. Though the ultimate goal of content marketing has stayed the same, the agencies and mediums of delivery […]

What do leprechauns and marketing ROI have in common? You’ll have to read this one for yourself.

For the past two years, I have been using SCSS to build my websites. Developers everywhere have touched on the many benefits of SASS/SCSS compared to LESS and vanilla CSS in the past, so let’s just skip ahead to doing something cool. With large higher education websites, I was finding that I was rewriting the […]