Aha! :: Elliance Blog

We recently launched the William Woods University website with the thought that it might be touted as one of the best responsive design college websites. Our guidelines were simple: 1. Authenticity 2. Simplicity 3. Integrity 4. Findability 5. Usability 6. Beauty How did we do? What do you think? and in responsive mode Visit the […]

Last Thursday, we had an interesting monthly performance report (ROI) meeting with a client. In that process, we made several observations about traffic downturns on a particular program, which defied the historic trend data. At the same time, there seemed to be an across-the-board decline in leads, which also ran counter to seasonal data for […]

It’s simple. It’s about people, their stories and their relationships. It’s about compelling storytelling. It’s about telling stories with great photographs, great videos and intriguing ideas. If you follow these three guidelines with your social media, you will be very successful. Learn more about our social media marketing services.

As the world of higher education settles in after a frenzied first few weeks of new faculty introductions, last minute dormitory re-assignments and opening football weekend, there is that lingering question: what should we do about our brand? Whether you’re stuck in avoidance or racing headlong toward action, it’s worth considering a pause. Maybe past […]

While your faculty and students may have taken the summer off from their college assignments, you know that the work of higher education brand building never ends. Today, and every day, your college brand continues to do its daily work — on your website, social sites and across the continuum of digital and human conversation. […]

Elliance is proud to launch the first responsive website for naturopathic medicine in North America for Southwest College for Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM). By outsmarting the competition and with its history of firsts, SCNM has once again proven that it is indeed the most innovative college for naturopathic medicine. The entire process of launching the website […]

Over the past year, we’ve made several existing website designs responsive, including Shady Lane School, First Commonwealth, and CMU Today. As you can see from these examples, responsive web design (RWD) helps modernize an existing design while it helps you reach a mobile audience. It removes the burden of having to do new IA and designs for […]

Friendship between First Commonwealth Bank and Elliance goes back a long way. In 1998, Elliance designed the bank’s second website. Since then, Elliance has redesigned the bank’s website three times – most recently three years ago before responsive design movement took off. Last fall, First Commonwealth Bank reached out to Elliance and posed an interesting […]

1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco) 2. Viewers spend 100% more time on pages with videos on them. (Source: MarketingSherpa) 3. Pinterest generated more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. (Source: […]

The end of a quarter is a good time to assess how you are tracking against your 2014 goals and forecast.