
How can a website redesign help an organization crystallize their goals?


The statistics are rather unsettling. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 1,658,370 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2015 and 589,430 people will die from the disease.

I wrote about my own cancer scare years ago for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and I always thought I could only fight cancer on a personal level. I eat veggies, stay active, slather on sunscreen, get a mammogram and donate money.

What else can one person do?

That all changed when I was asked to work on the website redesign for the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC). Now I had a chance to use my writing talents to help nurses who care for cancer patients, which in turn, helps those battling this disease.

At Elliance, a website redesign doesn’t just mean put a few pretty pictures into a new layout.

We ask questions. We think. We ask more questions. Then, we combine what we’ve discovered about the client with the best practices for information architecture, responsive web design and SEO.

Happily, ONCC appreciates the effort we put into their new website.

“We were looking for a website redesign project, and achieved so much more,” explained Pam Asfahani communications and marketing manager for ONCC. “Elliance helped us crystallize the purpose of our site, identify measurable goals, and develop the strategy to reach those goals through the website. The end result was more than a new look, it was a new way of thinking.”

Launching a new website isn’t the end of the story. During the coming year, we’ll keep close tabs on the impact the new website makes on three of the client’s business goals:

Will the improved navigation reduce customer service calls?

Will the new website increase certification renewals?

Will there be an increase in the number of oncology nurses who obtain advanced certification?

Visit the newly redesigned ONCC website at www.oncc.org.