Aha! :: Elliance Blog

seo decision funnel
The Lifecycle of a Searcher – SEO Keyword Strategy for Higher Education

A prospect will use different types of keywords at different stages of their college search process. Read about the lifecycle of a higher education searcher from awareness to the final decision stage and how a deliberate SEO strategy can help.

What’s so great about Instagram in the higher education space?

Designer Krystal discusses why colleges and universities should focus more efforts on their Instagram footprint.

Spotify Billboard
How Data Analytics Informs Marketing Campaigns

How Spotify gains insight from data based on user listening habits and how the digital marketing team at Elliance makes use of data analytics to inform user experience and marketing campaigns.

Image Credit: Flickr User upside of inertia, via CC
Digital Marketing Strategy for Community Banks

Well-capitalized, community banks often grow new customer relationships by acquiring other banks. However, as their geographic footprints expand, many find it challenging to also grow new customer relationships organically. As their DMAs widen, their marketing budgets are spread thinner and thinner. The idea of spending money on television, radio and outdoor grows more untenable, and digital becomes more important than ever.

Compliance Not Always an Easy Task

In a recent post titled “ADA Accessibility Compliance for College and University Websites,” the question of how to ensure WCAG 2.0 compliance was covered briefly. In this post, I will expand on a couple of the challenges of making an existing website compliant. A trip to the theme park Bringing an existing website into compliance […]

Early Intervention for Accessibility Checks

In order for a web page to be successful, a user must visit the page. Getting a user to visit the URL is a great struggle, but after they make that decision there are dozens upon dozens of reasons why they will leave, and sometimes leave before you can get a chance to make an […]

Design ROI
Return on Investment (ROI) for a Website Redesign

Making a business case to ROI-minded business leaders is vastly different than making a case to marketing leaders because they speak different languages.

ADA Accessibility Compliance for College and University Websites

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/2008 (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require colleges and universities to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to programs, services and activities. This extends well beyond making sidewalks, entryways and classrooms accessible. It includes websites too. Why has this topic become important lately? Growth of non-traditional student […]

Website Redesign
Key Lessons Learned from College Website Redesign

In working with over 100 colleges in the last 25 years, we have learned that website projects are a means for transforming an organization — Power structures are realigned, organizations are energized, inflection points are created, organizational trajectories changed, and destiny becomes more attainable.

Best Practices in College and University Branding

After serving 100 colleges over 25 years, here is what we have learned. The most successful college and university brands embody these 7 best practices. In fact they have turned into living habits and have led thus become schools of consequence.