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content Release plan
Higher education content marketing: 3 Keys for ensuring your content gets the most exposure

Creating a well-thought-out content release plan can help you get the most exposure for your content marketing efforts and ensure that your hard work pays off.

Brand Discovery: How to Design for Signal Over Noise.

As revenue pressures grow across higher education, so do board- and cabinet-level imperatives to “define the brand.” Easier said than done, true. But also worth every ounce of effort. At its best, a brand discovery should yield an authentic and durable brand position (with a 10-year shelf life). Better yet, a brand discovery (well planned […]

Ten Common Marketing Mistakes Industrial Companies Make with Global Marketing

The path to global marketing success is fraught with peril. There are hundreds of potential pitfalls…and a few right paths. The Internet has lowered the cost of entering new global markets. However, unlocking global demand requires a new global mindset, toolkits and dexterity for industrial marketers. Here are some common marketing mistakes we see industrial […]

Reversing The Decline in Alumni Giving Rates

Alumni giving rates have dropped by more than 50% in the last twenty years. Mega-gifts continue to expand while the number of donors has declined primarily because philanthropic support from millennials has decreased. The net impact of all this is that while the total dollars raised has increased, the total number of donors has declined. […]

Best Practices for Establishing Thought Leadership with Blogging
Best Practices for Establishing Thought Leadership with Blogging

Thought leaders are created through persistent leaning into critical issues with a distinct point of view and expertise. Here are our guidelines for positioning yourself as a thought leader using blogging and social media: Goals Build your personal or institutional reputation as a thought leader in your core expertise. Create a readership that engages with […]

My POV on Facebook’s Recent Privacy Challenges

What was once considered high-priced influence — to change customer buying habits, or impact voter behavior — is now within reach of anyone with a smart phone and a few hundred dollars. I see this commoditization from multiple angles — as the CEO of a digital marketing agency, as a digital policy wonk (computer science/Cornell, […]

Best Practices in User Experience Design of Marketing Websites

User experience design handles the strategic, narrative and structural design of digital experiences in service of persuasion, conversion and delight. There is a science and art of user experience design for marketing websites. Here is the list of best practices we have developed over the last 25 years: 1. Recognize that customers, not you, are […]

Enrollment Management Best Practices

Enrollment managers at colleges and universities are running a machine. Whether it has a soul or not depends on the mindset they bring to their jobs. The most admired enrollment managers are running a humanized enrollment system. In serving more than 100 enrollment managers, we have gleaned the following best practices: 1. Balance Institutional Priorities […]

College Student Search Campaigns – Evolution From Funnels to Networks

Every year, a silent, high-stakes dance takes place in all the 4,000+ colleges and universities in the US. To meet their enrollment targets, the colleges look for the best-possible group of students who will apply, and then accept the offers extended to them. Lead generation with College Student Search is the first step in this […]

Fiddling with content, while story, meaning and emotional connection burn

Former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight famously said to an audience of newspaper reporters, “All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things.” Part joke, part poisoned-tipped joust, the heralded Knight voiced an ambivalence about writing and writers that lingers within many college marketing departments […]