Unless they are managed systematically, vanity URLs can grow like kudzu. Here are some best practices for managing vanity URLs for colleges and universities.
Unless they are managed systematically, vanity URLs can grow like kudzu. Here are some best practices for managing vanity URLs for colleges and universities.
Are you read for voice search on mobile devices and home gadgets like Amazon Echo, Google Home and Apple HomePod?
A prospect will use different types of keywords at different stages of their college search process. Read about the lifecycle of a higher education searcher from awareness to the final decision stage and how a deliberate SEO strategy can help.
As part of a recent web design project for Highmark Insurance company we baked in SEO thinking into the structure, experience and content of the website.
Founded in 1998 by two Ph.D. students at Stanford University, Google has risen to become more than just a household name. Today, Google stands strong as an empire, armed with a vast arsenal of products and devices. In 2006, we published an infographic showcasing the three most popular search engines in America. It comes as […]
Take a look at a new digital magazine design created by Elliance, and learn more about their content classification process.
I have this love for story — the hear and the tell — the feel that comes from being submersed in a good narrative. I believe that I was born with this hunger for story, driven by a native curiosity to know and see and feel the world around me. That, paired with an unshakable […]
According to a recent Gallup report, 71 percent of B2B customers aren’t engaged. Meaning, they are readily willing to take their business elsewhere should an opportunity arise. Content marketing, a tactic that is widely used to boost engagement and aid many B2B challenges that underpin this problem — customer centricity, relationship building, strategic positioning, etc. […]
Most people draw a clear line between conventional marketing of products and services, and social marketing, which broadly defined applies marketing principles to change human behavior in order to improve health or benefit society. But what happens when you bring a social issue forward that almost nobody knows even exists — one that goes to […]
While your faculty and students may have taken the summer off from their college assignments, you know that the work of higher education brand building never ends. Today, and every day, your college brand continues to do its daily work — on your website, social sites and across the continuum of digital and human conversation. […]