
Pittsburgh Branding Agency Best Practice: Create a Strong Brand Platform

Pittsburgh Branding Agency Best Practice: Create a Strong Brand Platform

As one of Pittsburgh’s longest standing B2B and higher education branding agencies, Elliance has been delivering prosperity to regional and national clients for the past 30 years. In launching over 100 brands, we’ve tested the strength of our brand propositions using the following criteria:

1. Brand Idea/Ideal

There is a deep yearning in people to belong to a tribe of like-minded people. Along with the wish to “buy” a product/service, they have a subliminal desire to “buy into” the ideals that the brand embodies and personifies. Great brands intentionally attach an idea/ideal to their product or service e.g. independent thinking and open-mindedness for St. John’s College, and environmental and social responsibility for Patagonia. What’s yours?

2. Distinctive

One key way to outsmart competitors without outspending is to elevate the brand by creating a memorable and distinctive brand. Indeed, in the sea of sameness, a distinctive brand always wins.

3. Authentic

True and believable authenticity sells. To live authentically, brands unshackle themselves from a life of ought’s, must’s and should’s. They must know themselves and yet remain devoted to telling better stories of smart, real, honest, surprising and delightful customer heroes – filled with grace and hope.

4. Resonant

Buyers are taking in the entire gestalt of a brand they endorse: what it stands for, its identity, its visual essence, its origin story and the stories it tells. To win the hearts and minds of buyers, a brand must continually curate, orchestrate and elevate its content so it’ll continue to resonate with the right-fit buyer’s senses and sensibility.

5. Human

Great brands always remember that prospects, customers, users, ambassadors and loyalists are real people, with real wants, needs and motivations. They never forget that they are in the business of making the lives of people (their customers) easier. They treat them like human beings. They know that their customers are the real heroes of their brand’s story.

If you are seeking an inspired branding agency for your organization, view our brand development capabilities and consider partnering with us.