
Writing Effective PPC Ad Copy for Higher Education Paid Search, Part 3

Over the last few months, I shared some important factors to consider when writing PPC (pay-per-click) ads:

What’s in an Ad? Writing Effective PPC Ad Copy, Part 1

What’s in an Ad? Writing Effective PPC Ad Copy, Part 2

Today, I want to wrap up this short series, and conclude with some of the successes we’ve seen specifically with higher education paid search ads.

So far we’ve discussed using these best practices to ensure successful PPC ad performance:

  • Include keywords in your ad that relate to the search query
  • Include brand name in your ad
  • Use numbers – pricing, dates, percentages
  • Use strong call to actions
  • Call out specific deadlines
  • Use a phone number dedicated to PPC for tracking
  • Emphasize that your ad is yours with “official site”
  • Highlight rankings (e.g. “top ranked by the Princeton Review”)

The last thing I want point out for consideration with higher education paid search ads specifically: location, location, location!

Include the actual city or location right in your ad copy. Here’s part of an ad description that has worked well for a university located in Austin, Texas – “Conveniently located in Austin, TX.” It seems simple, but it really works.

Another thing you can do if you have multiple locations and campuses is to call these out in your ad copy. List all your locations if space allows.

Location names can be used whether you’re running national or local targeted PPC campaigns, and across your branded and/or program specific campaigns. These ads have not only delivered really high CTR’s, but have also been some of our top converters!

Remember, if you’ve decided to make an investment in PPC on behalf of your institution, you’re going to want to maximize the return. Careful planning and attention to the copy you use can have a big impact on your higher education paid search campaign’s success.

If you are seeking a paid advertising agency, consider partnering with us.