Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Phipps Conservatory picked by White House for the G-20 dinner

The White House has announced that it will hold an inauguration dinner at the upcoming G-20 summit in Pittsburgh at our Client, The Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. “President Obama will host a working dinner for world leaders at the Phipps, chosen in part because of the green-friendly features of the facility that include an […]

Cool vs. Smart

I presented at a higher ed conference recently. I was intrigued by another presentation, which was all about cool. I started thinking about the anatomy of cool and communications in general. I decided to capture the repetitive patterns in the presenter’s speech. Here is the list of repetitive words I heard (some two word combinations […]

Elliance named one of the Top 10 Agencies of 2008 by Interactive Media Awards.

Elliance shares spotlight with firms from London, New York and Miami.

Conversation Marketing, Marketing 2.0 & PR 2.0

A copy of my presentation that I gave to non-profit and for-profit members of Business Volunteers Unlimited in Cleveland is included below. Marketing 2.0 & PR 2.0 from abunoaman Enjoy it.

Buzz Monitoring Tools

The bad old days of expensive brand monitoring tools are finally coming to an end. Here is a listing of a few free tools that you may want to bookmark: 1. Google Blog Search 2. Nielsen blogpulse 3. Tweetdeck 4. Tweetbeep 5.Twitter Search 6. Google Alerts 7. Compete.com Happy brand and buzz tracking!

‘World Wide Rave’ & Linkbaits

Just finished this poignant book by David Meerman Scott. The fundamental premise of this book is that the you should be creating interesting and valuable content that your target audience wants to ‘rave’ about to their friends. The content could be served up in the shape of blogs, e-books, tools, contests, videos, etc. The important […]

It Pays to Play with Steeler Crocs

My colleague, Debbie Wilson’s true story about Crocs. Enjoy Being a first time mother, my husband and I capture every moment we can on video. We post videos on YouTube on a regular basis to share with family and friends. My husband wears Crocs and my son, Jordan loves to play with his Daddy’s Crocs. […]

5 Hallmarks of Great Brands

If you think about it, we trust great brands for very simple reasons. They: 1. create an emotional response 2. resonate with us 3. listen to us and talk to us 4. embrace simplicity 5. pay attention to details In a nutshell, we are willing to reach deeper into our pockets for great brands because […]

Conversation Marketing

Here is a summary of my presentation I gave yesterday at the Pittsburgh Technology Council. 1. Marketing is conversations. 2. The consumers have shifted from tv/print to web and are now increasingly mobile. Marketers better move too, if they want to connect with their audience. 3. Consumer psyche has changed. They expect conversations. They reject […]

The New Rules of Marketing 2.0 & PR 2.0

The Internet and mobile devices have changed not only our lives, but entire disciplines. Marketing is no exception. Marketing 1.0 vs. Marketing 2.0 In Marketing 1.0 world, marketers could get away with producing brochures, ads, press releases, events, and promotions. It was a world world where opinion makers ruled in mass communication mediums. Accountability for […]