Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Living Norbertine
Should you buy experience or insight?

We recently met around the conference table at Elliance to discuss the pros/cons of pursuing an RFP opportunity —  a major state research university wanting to sharpen its brand focus and tell a better capital campaign story in order to raise a nice round $1 billion dollars. Needless to say, with that kind of money […]

The new content problem, and how responsive design just isn’t enough anymore

Over the past few years, the web industry has been very focused on devices. So much so that responsive design is defined as “building web content that shows up well on any device.”But focusing on devices isn’t enough anymore. By focusing only on devices, we are missing other experiences. Our web content is no longer […]

JKCF website redesign
Social Marketing Meets New Product Launch

Most people draw a clear line between conventional marketing of products and services, and social marketing, which broadly defined applies marketing principles to change human behavior in order to improve health or benefit society. But what happens when you bring a social issue forward that almost nobody knows even exists — one that goes to […]

Are your higher education marketing materials memorable?

As a writer who spent the first 10 years of her professional life as an agency copywriter, I approach writing with two specific questions: Who’s the target audience? What’s unique about this client? I had a creative director once who often quoted David Ogilvy and I still remember this classic: “Never write an advertisement which […]

Things that inspire us

I hope you enjoy these as much as we do at Elliance: Designed by Apple in California Productivity future vision by Microsoft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozLaklIFWUI What inspires you?

One of the best responsive design college websites?

We recently launched the William Woods University website with the thought that it might be touted as one of the best responsive design college websites. Our guidelines were simple: 1. Authenticity 2. Simplicity 3. Integrity 4. Findability 5. Usability 6. Beauty How did we do? What do you think? and in responsive mode Visit the […]

Keep Your Sights on the (Marketing ROI) Horizon

Last Thursday, we had an interesting monthly performance report (ROI) meeting with a client. In that process, we made several observations about traffic downturns on a particular program, which defied the historic trend data. At the same time, there seemed to be an across-the-board decline in leads, which also ran counter to seasonal data for […]

What makes social media social?

It’s simple. It’s about people, their stories and their relationships. It’s about compelling storytelling. It’s about telling stories with great photographs, great videos and intriguing ideas. If you follow these three guidelines with your social media, you will be very successful. Learn more about our social media marketing services.

When in brand limbo, tell a good story

As the world of higher education settles in after a frenzied first few weeks of new faculty introductions, last minute dormitory re-assignments and opening football weekend, there is that lingering question: what should we do about our brand? Whether you’re stuck in avoidance or racing headlong toward action, it’s worth considering a pause. Maybe past […]

5 steps to college brand renewal

While your faculty and students may have taken the summer off from their college assignments, you know that the work of higher education brand building never ends.  Today, and every day, your college brand continues to do its daily work — on your website, social sites and across the continuum of digital and human conversation. […]