Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Touch devices have quickly overtaken traditional mouse and keyboard devices (device sales, mobile usage). The current landscape is such that we can confidently assume our visitors will be experiencing our web pages on their phones first and then on their desktops second… if we are lucky. The tricky thing is, when we speak of touch […]

It’s a community of more than 100 million people, and it’s changing the way consumers interact with businesses through social media. A visual bookmarking tool used to save and discover everything from vacation destinations and parenting tips to the latest fashion trends, Pinterest can help your business reach new audiences, connect with customers, contribute to SEO and […]

Two months ago, I brought home an eight-week-old miniature schnauzer named Ellie. She only weighed four pounds. She needed to go outside in the wee hours of the morning. She prompted me to ask myself, “What have I done? How will I get through this? Will this get any easier?” Since this little bundle of […]

I bet I can explain all the talk about the Internet of things (IoT) and the phrase “smarter planet” in a few short paragraphs. Thirty years ago, I co-oped at GE. Our goal was to improve the efficiency of a fluorescent lighting assembly line. We implemented a four-step process: Step 1: Install Sensors: we installed 200 […]

Since the day I walked into Elliance, a digital marketing agency, for a “meet and greet”, my preconceived idea of what life looked like inside “the business world” was shattered. Elliance was something I’d never expected – a place full of life and character and uniqueness. I have been working here now for roughly two […]

A smart way for higher ed marketers to reach prospects on Facebook is to target by demographic. Are you using this paid marketing medium to its full potential?

As discussed in a previous blog post, we recently redesigned the Carnegie Mellon Today online magazine. With this redesign, the focus changed from a print-based quarterly issue to an online-only site with new stories both produced and promoted on a weekly basis. With roughly 80% of existing site traffic coming to articles (a number that […]

I was asked to write a blog. ‘Write about what you love,’ they said. Well, I love many things, but the two things that came to mind, besides my wonderful family of course, were my job (a project manager with an advertising agency) and fantasy football. Now you may think how in the world could […]

The Greeks called it their Muse. The Romans called it the Ingenium (the genius). I call it whatever that magic is that gets some meaningful words onto the page. Inspiration. I recently heard a great re-air of a RadioLab interview with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love. In it, she tells the story of […]

The art of the interactive newsletter is alive and well. Here Kathy talks about Maine’s Office of Tourism’s creative execution of their vision.