
Pinterest and your Business

It’s a community of more than 100 million people, and it’s changing the way consumers interact with businesses through social media.

A visual bookmarking tool used to save and discover everything from vacation destinations and parenting tips to the latest fashion trends, Pinterest can help your business reach new audiences, connect with customers, contribute to SEO and even sell products.

Fast facts about today’s Pinners (aka Pinterest users):
67% under the age of 40
70% save pins
83% would rather follow a notable brand than notable people
$100,000 average annual household income

Here are a few examples of some businesses that are using Pinterest to reach new customers and keep them coming back for more.

1. Knorr

With upwards of 20,000 followers and nearly 30 boards for everything from “Date Night Recipes” to “Latin Inspired Recipes,” Knorr is showing Pinners how to get the most out of their quick and easy pasta side dishes.

Pinterest and your Business

2. The Home Depot

With Nearly 340,000 followers, The Home Depot is not just using Pinterest to reach new customers – they’re also using the social media outlet to show customers how to use the products they sell with eye catching visuals, tutorials and prices to help get you started on any number of DIY projects.


3. Penguin Random House

At the top of the class, Penguin Random House has 1.4 MILLION Pinterest followers. (Clearly, they’re pretty good at Pinterest.) Pinning everything from literary classics to cat memes, Penguin Random House is not only showing Pinners what’s new and trending in the publishing industry, but they’ve also mastered the art of giving Pinners what they want — an engaging and organized experience.


Earlier this year, Pinterest introduced Buyable Pins, an option that allows Pinners to shop and purchase products within the Pinterest app. This new feature not only allows users to purchase the products they like within the app, but they can also filter by price, sort colors and compare multiple retailers at the same time.

With more than 60 million Buyable Pins now available for purchase on Pinterest the social media giant is changing the way Pinners shop online. Pinterest for Business says that 87 percent of Pinners say that they’ve purchased a product because they saw it on Pinterest first, while a whopping 93 percent of Pinners use Pinterest to plan future purchases. In other words, Buyable Pins are cutting out the middleman in online shopping.

At Elliance, we’re using Pinterest to reach new customers by showcasing our best work, office culture and things that inspire us. Just like Knorr, The Home Depot and Penguin Random House, we hope that in sharing our successes with Pinners, we can engage new customers, highlight our services and grow the Elliance brand reputation.