Aha! :: Elliance Blog

The Social Media Digital Supermarket

Does anyone feel that the current crop of social media apps and tools resembles the produce section at your local supermarket? There are so many social media channels to choose from and just like fruit and vegetables, you need to choose the right ones for a delicious dish. Core social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and […]

It Takes Two to Tango

If you have ever seen the tango being performed, you have witnessed the ebb and flow of tension and release, and the perfect balance of power and acquiescence. (By Anouchka Unel (Own work) [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons) As with all so-called “lead and follow” dances, the lead must be willing to push and steer; the […]

Does destiny play a role in business?

Organizations, like people, create their own destiny. Here are five forces I’ve come to understand about destiny in the lives of organizations.

Web Design 2k16: A Recap, forecast… and a cat

Last year, web designers fell in love with minimalism. Ghosted buttons, big hero images and single page designs were just a few trends that occupied our designs. I suppose you could say that for web designers, 2015 was a year of less is more. But what are we doing now? Web designers are taking those […]

Toppling the Towers

Take a look at this video. It was passed around our office recently.   We had a long discussion about it in one of our weekly staff meeting. If you were there, you could easily tell that it struck a nerve. I think that is because the core message in this video encapsulates what we […]

Google Adwords
Google removing paid ads from right side of desktop results

Google has confirmed they will no longer show paid ads on the right side of the search results.

A different kind of story

A friend and I were finishing up a late dinner Tuesday night when we realized the New Hampshire primary was just about finished up. Curious for the results, I pulled out my phone to check. But I surprised myself with the first place I looked. Not Google. Not CNN. Or Twitter. Or The Times. But […]

“It’s done in a second and 34 years.”

You know, the creative business is an odd bird. Anyone who has a creative bent knows what I mean. My uncle was a welder but when he came home, he was welding crazy little metal sculptures, (which later on became crazy big metal sculptures) transferring what he did at work, welding, into art… his art. […]

Cancel the Eulogy: Email is Alive & Well in 2016

The widespread adoption of social media was a marketing game-changer. By 2014, social media users had surpassed two billion, by January of 2015, 42% of the world’s population had access to the Internet and, today, over half owns a smart phone.  The numbers are staggering. But despite predictions just a few years ago that social […]

The battle for hearts and minds

Director of Branding Ed Macko explores the importance of head and heart in building a brand.