Aha! :: Elliance Blog

10 Enrollment Management Trends for 2020

In 2020, higher education marketers are battling to win an outsized share of a shrinking pool of domestic and international students. Future students are expected to be more racially and ethnically diverse than ever before. Increased marketing funding by for-profit colleges and some large public universities has unleashed a marketing arms race. Workforce preparation for […]

20 Higher Education Marketing Trends for 2020

In 2020, higher education marketers are battling to win an outsized share of a shrinking pool of domestic and international students. Here are the 20 innovative trends that are underpinning higher education marketing. OUTLOOK & CULTURE 1. Celebrating Heroes Colleges and universities are realizing that students, alumni and faculty — not the institution — are […]

Drupal vs Wordpress CMS
Higher Education Web Development: Drupal vs. WordPress CMS for your .edu

Occasionally we are asked to make a recommendation to build the higher education website in Drupal or WordPress. Here is our take on this pivotal question

A New College President’s Guide to Your Inherited .edu

As a newly selected college president, you may view your pending move in traditional terms — relocating to a new city, occupying a new office or executive residence and joining a new campus culture. You’re also inheriting a .edu web address that can help accelerate or impede your best laid presidential plans. Here’s a field […]

College Website Redesign ROI 5 Key Metrics
College Website Redesign ROI – 5 Key Metrics

Making a business case for investing in a comprehensive website redesign to ROI-minded, quant-driven cabinet members is vastly different than making a case to marketing leaders who intuitively understand the value of a great website. For quantitatively inclined cabinet members, here are five ROI metrics that we have used to justify the investment in a […]

Five Faces of a Dean
Five Faces of a Dean

The responsibilities of an academic Dean rival those of a big city mayor. They set strategic direction, gather allies, hunt revenue, champion ideas and ideals, administer day-to-day operations and accrue power. How can Deans best flourish in their current role and prepare for their next incarnation — as college provosts and president? 1. Balance Perspectives […]

A New Business School Dean’s Guide to Life: 10 strategic considerations for your first 100 days

Experience tells us that great beginnings matter for these reasons: clear purpose calms winds of change seeing (“our future”) becomes believing strong messages invite loyalists trust takes root The number and variety of decisions, opportunities and challenges that come with assuming leadership of a major business school require a steady hand. Below, we’ve put together […]

How to improve your US News business school ranking: A brand strategist’s perspective

Elliance, as a marketing and strategy agency, views the US News business school rankings from a brand strategy perspective. For us, a brand is the sum of all experiences, be they virtual, experiential or architectural interactions. From our perspective, business school Deans should neither feel paralyzed by the rankings nor surrender their agency over to […]

How to improve your US News law school ranking: A brand strategist’s perspective.

(Revised Jan 2, 2025) Elliance, as a marketing and strategy agency, views the US News law school rankings from a brand strategy perspective. For us, a brand is the sum of all experiences, be they virtual, experiential or architectural interactions. From our perspective, law school Deans should neither feel paralyzed by the rankings nor surrender […]

Effective Enrollment Manifesto
Enrollment Management Manifesto

This manifesto for effective enrollment management is a distillation of our key learnings from our team serving more than 100 colleges and universities in the last 25 years.