Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Man Walking Up San Francisco Street
Summer Reading Designed to Restore the Creative Spark

By now, you may have started in on your summer reading list for beach, cabin, She-Shed or hammock. Why not a summer reading list for the office? Yes, higher education marketers often move even faster in the summer months. All the more reason to give yourself a once-a-week moment for reflection and inspiration. This list […]

The Real Reasons Why Colleges Are Missing Their Enrollment Targets.

Admission numbers are trickling in. Highly selective and less selective colleges are both missing their enrollment targets. We believe that enrollment VPs and college presidents ought to be examining their shared, but ineffective habits, instead of blaming the usual suspects: unfavorable demographics, increased sensitivity to the rising cost of college, society questioning the overall value of […]

History of Google ranking
Keeping Pace with Google’s Algorithm

Are you read for voice search on mobile devices and home gadgets like Amazon Echo, Google Home and Apple HomePod?

Anatomy of a Successful Marketing Campaign

Great marketing campaigns are powered by a brand-inspired strategy followed by the creation of high-fidelity content. The attention-grabbing content is presented to right-fit prospects using micro-targeting by placing it in the right channels at the right time. Campaign teams measure the performance, and adjust the campaign based on the insights gleaned from analytics data. 1. […]

Why some colleges thrive while others coast and dwindle?

Not a week goes by that we don’t see the news of a college closing, merging or downsizing. Unfavorable demographics and remote locations are purported to be the primary reasons for their troubles. We believe that the following reasons are the key drivers that put colleges in distress:

What my three teens and their friends have taught me about Gen-Z?

I have read dozens of reports on Gen-Z (born between 1996 and 2010) including those from Pew, HubSpot, SHRM, and other credible sources. But watching my own three teens and dozens of their friends has given me a nuanced understanding of Gen-Z. Here are my observations:     They are race-blind, faith-blind and gender-blind As […]

Liberal Arts or STEM: A False Choice
Liberal Arts or STEM? A False Choice.

If the 20th century was the century of specialization, then the 21st century is becoming the century of integrative thinking. In the past century, colleges and universities offered choices of majoring in professional, STEM or liberal arts disciplines. In the first two decades of this century, there is now a discernible movement towards creation of […]

Five Competencies of Liberal Arts Graduates
Five Competencies of Liberal Arts Graduates

Although the future of work has become increasingly technical and vocational, the future of innovation and leadership remains solidly in the hands of people who majored or minored in liberal arts and humanities. There is a good reason for this paradox: liberal arts teach people how to learn, think, create, communicate, connect the dots, handle […]

great college magazine covers
Intentionality and the art of great college magazine covers

The golden age of print magazines long ago expired (Time once reached 20 million readers a week at peak circulation). Still, writers, editors and photographers charged with producing a college or university magazine juggle the same risk/reward choices as their predecessors when it comes to creating memorable cover art.   Whether your college magazine comes in […]

High Fidelity Content Marketing
High-Fidelity Content Marketing

The primary goal of digital content marketing is to earn attention and grow brand reputation by providing valuable content – that informs, persuades, engages and delights prospects and customers. However, delivering on this goal has turned into an all-out arms race, with three distinct generations of content marketing.   First Generation: Core Content In the […]