Ideas, insights and inspirations.

How Spotify gains insight from data based on user listening habits and how the digital marketing team at Elliance makes use of data analytics to inform user experience and marketing campaigns.

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In just nine months of existence, Instagram Stories has gained over 200 million daily active users. How can we use this medium in higher education marketing?

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I live for stories. Simply being in the presence of a good story being told or lived right there in the moment sends adrenaline pumping through my veins. In what is one of the most inspiring TED Talks I have heard, novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shares about the impact stories can have, as well as the dangers that come with sharing a single story — or one side of the whole story. “Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize.” She discuses how, especially in our younger years, we are wildly impressionable and vulnerable in the face of a story. Here at Elliance we are responsible for articulating the story of our clients and expressing the soul of their institution — through images, phrases, video, design, copy and more. To be able to give a true account of who you are, we must … Continue reading

I have this love for story — the hear and the tell — the feel that comes from being submersed in a good narrative. I believe that I was born with this hunger for story, driven by a native curiosity to know and see and feel the world around me. That, paired with an unshakable desire and urgency to share with others the stories I’ve discovered, led me to pursue my career as a writer. I’ve always loved the creative freedom that comes with writing — the instinctual aspect of the profession. Almost instantaneously after starting my job at Elliance I began blogging — a service we perform for many of our clients, most often those in higher education, to help them expand their reach and better connect with their target audience. As I began to write, I would find myself in the zone, really getting a good flow going in the copy and focusing on telling a brilliant story. … Continue reading

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My family recently took a trip to Portugal and Spain. Be it my first time in Europe, I could compose a never-ending list of all the things that astounded me — from the decadent pastries to the new and exciting symphony of language that filled the air. The thing I found most astonishing, however, was the intricate architecture that sculpted each building we passed, on every street we ventured down. In these cities and towns, some over 500 years old, everything is a piece of art. From the cobblestone streets to the burnt Spanish-tiled roofs, every building brightly etched in a different color sidewalk chalk. I spent every day of our trip 10 steps behind the rest of the group, handicapped by my awestruck wonder and need to photograph every inch of the masterpiece before me. Even every door was a beautiful creation. Each original and treated with an attention to structure and detail that could not be ignored by … Continue reading

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Since the day I walked into Elliance, a digital marketing agency, for a “meet and greet”, my preconceived idea of what life looked like inside “the business world” was shattered. Elliance was something I’d never expected – a place full of life and character and uniqueness. I have been working here now for roughly two months and walking through the door is just as exciting now as it was on day one. So I thought I’d give you the low down on three things that classify Elliance as a breed of its own, from the new kid’s perspective. Culture of respect In June, I returned from a trip where I had spent 11 months doing volunteer work with 45 other individuals. The way we orchestrated as a community was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. There was a mutual trust and respect for those you were working alongside each and every day. You did not doubt the abilities of those around … Continue reading

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