How Spotify gains insight from data based on user listening habits and how the digital marketing team at Elliance makes use of data analytics to inform user experience and marketing campaigns.
How Spotify gains insight from data based on user listening habits and how the digital marketing team at Elliance makes use of data analytics to inform user experience and marketing campaigns.
In just nine months of existence, Instagram Stories has gained over 200 million daily active users. How can we use this medium in higher education marketing?
I live for stories. Simply being in the presence of a good story being told or lived right there in the moment sends adrenaline pumping through my veins. In what is one of the most inspiring TED Talks I have heard, novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shares about the impact stories can have, as well as […]
I have this love for story — the hear and the tell — the feel that comes from being submersed in a good narrative. I believe that I was born with this hunger for story, driven by a native curiosity to know and see and feel the world around me. That, paired with an unshakable […]
My family recently took a trip to Portugal and Spain. Be it my first time in Europe, I could compose a never-ending list of all the things that astounded me — from the decadent pastries to the new and exciting symphony of language that filled the air. The thing I found most astonishing, however, was […]
Since the day I walked into Elliance, a digital marketing agency, for a “meet and greet”, my preconceived idea of what life looked like inside “the business world” was shattered. Elliance was something I’d never expected – a place full of life and character and uniqueness. I have been working here now for roughly two […]