| Jun 15, 2017
Never Build Just a Website

A few weeks ago, we launched HM Insurance Group’s new website, and the same thing happened with this one that always happens—we delivered a lot more than an insurance company website design.
FIRST, we engaged HM in a discovery process that revealed some business realities we didn’t expect to find. We got insights into the ways their industry is changing and the mindset of their buyers. A clear challenge emerged: How do we distinguish what “Quality” means for customers tempted to commoditize what HM brings to the table?
NEXT we developed a communications strategy that addressed their business objectives, clearly distinguished their value proposition and refocused the company on the stewardship their people provide. It goes beyond the usual website strategy. It’s written to inform all of HM’s marketing efforts.
AND THEN we created a new brand position for HM: “Guarding Financial Health.” These 3 words communicate the higher purpose of their B2B product and service offering.
AND THEN we gave them a recommendation for an open source content management system. Now, Marketing has far more control over the site, benefiting from greater efficiency and publishing speed.
AND THEN we designed a user experience that takes a radical departure from the content- heavy one they used in the past. Instead, we created ways to open doors to new conversations with customers.
AND THEN we developed a comprehensive, Keyword Guide. By baking keywords into all their new website’s pages right from the beginning, we laid the groundwork for greatly improving HM’s Google rankings.
AND THEN we recommended a new approach to blogging that elevates the thought leadership of HM’s senior team in Stop Loss and Managed Care Reinsurance. It will also elevate the authority of their leaders with Google’s search engine.
AND THEN we created a page templating guide that was mapped to their sitemap, so the HM team could easily understand how to construct and write pages.
AND THEN we built a faceted search tool that organizes and filters all their client service digital assets such as forms, pdfs, articles, info graphics and videos by topics and types.
AND THEN we created a warm, and inviting visual design supported with original photography. It gives HM the posture of a leader, puts an accessible human face on all they do and sends all the right messages about the quality they bring to their customers.
IN THE END, Elliance delivered something more just a new website for HM. It was transformative experience that changed internal organizational dynamics, tuned organizational strategy and generated momentum.
And in this case, we also made some new friends along the way.
“Elliance took on a dual challenge to evaluate HM’s brand and positioning strategy and develop a new website that would deliver the brand message. On both fronts, they were great partners. Through the process of senior management interviews, brand recommendations and ultimately the delivery of a website to support the brand, the Elliance team earned the respect and confidence of HM’s marketing team and leadership” said Diane Lewis, Director of Marketing & Communications at HM Insurance Group.
“Elliance was truly a partner when it came to refreshing our website with a better customer experience and updated brand message. They spent ample time working with us to make sure the site layout was appropriate for conveying our company’s message and intuitive enough to fulfill our client’s needs. They welcomed our ideas and input along the way” said Michele Larson, Manager, Digital & Visual Design at HM Insurance Group.