Ideas, insights and inspirations.

Scarcity and fear are perhaps the greatest motivators for change. Most manufacturers, like other organizations, change their behaviors drastically only when facing the prospects of recession. Every recession has motivated manufacturers to adopt new marketing tactics. Even though search engines have been in play for over a decade and have been adopted by fast moving industries like retail and finance, manufacturers are just beginning to see it as their savior. Looking back, I believe manufacturers will remember the Great Recession as the period when they discovered the power of search engine optimization (SEO). Now that the SEO tsunami is here, we recommend manufacturers get the most out of their search strategies. Here is a list of ten pearls of wisdom we have gathered from our work with manufacturing clients: 1. Begin by asking “what do you want more of?” When Alice asks the Cheshire Cat for direction in Alice in Wonderland, the cat responds “If you don’t know where you’re … Continue reading

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Manufacturers are adopting SEO in large numbers. Recall that SEO is the art and science of getting your website ranked on Google, Yahoo and Bing for the keywords that matter to you the most. Since it accounts for almost half of our business, we are in a good position to share the top 10 reasons why manufacturers are investing in it. Here are the reasons that our customers have shared with us the most. New Customers, New Markets: According to a 2012 ThomasNet study, almost 90% of the buyers are now searching for vendors online. And Google alone accounts for over 90 billion searches per month. Add another 30 billion searches per month for Yahoo and Bing, and one begins to see why appearing on top of search engines is vital for manufacturers. 1. Get new customers from global markets. Let your website top search engines be the next sales person in the country you can’t put a distributor in. … Continue reading

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Once upon a time, marketing departments at manufacturers were sales driven organizations. They were run by people who rose through the ranks of sales and assumed the titles of VP for Sales & Marketing. They shied away from less familiar branding and marketing techniques that their B2C brethren lived for more than one hundred years. Then the world changed. Brazil, India and China emerged as formidable competitors. Concept of “India-price” and “China-price” surfaced. Commoditization became the norm. Life as usual couldn’t go on. A better story needed to be told. To outwit and outsmart the hungry competitors, manufacturers have turned to retail marketers. Informed by them, they are challenging three long-held traditions and beliefs of manufacturers: 1. The sacred equation of manufacturing marketers read like this: Marketing = Tradeshows+Direct Mail+Brochures +Ads+Thomas Register+PR However, they have evolved the equation so it now reads as follows: Marketing = Tradeshows+Direct Mail+Brochures+PR2.0+Website+SEO/Content+Paid Advertising+Banners+ Webinars+Social Media+Email+Surveys+YouTube 2. Another infamous equation of manufacturing marketers Role of … Continue reading

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A careful read of manufacturing and B2B stats paints an interesting picture of an underlying sea change. Let’s see if we can answer some basic questions. What goals are manufacturers trying to achieve with their marketing budgets? The chart below shows that manufacturers are beginning to embrace branding as a means to outcompete, outperform, and outsell the competitors. Finally! And exactly what are they spending their budgets on? The next chart shows that B2B companies are now spending more than 50% of their budgets in online channels. Manufacturing marketers have accepted that the click era is here and changed their behaviors accordingly. That’s a sea change from just a few years ago. And where exactly are they planning to invest in 2012? In the following chart, notice that top 7 growth areas are all online. Also note that they are catching up specially in those areas where they have been slow to adopt. So, what about social media? the question … Continue reading

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Skepticism abounds amongst manufacturing marketers, yet the leaders are doing absolutely stunning things with their social media touch points. Great use and reuse of photographs, videos and engaging conversations. Here are a couple of my favorites: GE Pinterest page: GE Google+ page: GE Facebook page: GE YouTube page: GE Twitter page: John Deere Facebook page: John Deere YouTube page:

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