Ideas, insights and inspirations.

Experience tells us that great beginnings matter for these reasons: a clear purpose calms the winds of change seeing (our future) becomes believing strong messages invite loyalists trust takes root The number and variety of decisions, opportunities and challenges that come with assuming leadership of a major law school require a steady hand. Below, we’ve put together 10 strategic considerations for your first 100 days to help you navigate from analysis to synthesis. 1. Establish A Strategic Vision Start by defining a unique vision that will galvanize the faculty, staff, alumni and partners. Establish a few major priorities that will make your school a school of consequence. Then devote most of your efforts to those few major things that make a school prosper. Priorities could include things like becoming an innovator, positioning the school as a thought-leader in both established and emerging spaces, and championing a meaningful societal cause that is rooted in your school’s strengths. 2. Assemble Your Team … Continue reading

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