Aha! :: Elliance Blog

At Elliance we work with clients of all shapes and sizes, from many different industries. Regardless, it’s our passion for the work that helps them to reach their potential and beyond. One of our core beliefs is that SEO is a part of the larger picture. Instead of thinking of SEO as its own silo, […]

Over the past 25 years, I’ve been a prospective college student, a student, a young alum, a not-so-young alum, a donor, the daughter-in-law of a university faculty member, and the wife of a college staff member. My professional life has also revolved primarily around higher education, including enrollment marketing, for the past seven years or […]

Tom Friedman, op-ed columnist for New York Times, recently concluded an article with this wonderful line: “when outstanding becomes so easily available, average is over.” This applies perfectly to our most recent client, Manchester Business School, which offers a truly Global hybrid MBA, where students can take classes in any of their global centers located […]

In my last blog post, I discussed the three types of CMS systems: Proprietary CMS systems, Commercial CMS systems and Open-source CMS systems. Which begs the question, which type of CMS system should a higher education institution purchase? The answer depends on your size, need for flexibility, in-house teams, budgets and risk-management. While there is […]

Higher education clients often ask us for guidance on content management system (CMS). They are wondering if they should work with a web development company that offers a proprietary CMS system, a commercial CMS system, or an open-source CMS system. In this blog post, I’ll define the three types of systems: Open Source CMS Systems […]

As Responsive Design has matured to a position of dominance in the web design and development world, so have our heads been filled with anecdotal evidence (i.e., non-evidence) about the ROI of Responsive Web Design. (Just for fun, I propose call this ROIRWD and, furthermore, that we agree henceforth to pronounce it “roy-ward”.) Now, of […]

The litmus test for greatness of a web design agency is how well it can operate in tight spaces. We were recently asked to create miracles in extremely small spaces, within the constraints of pre-existing templates and CMS for Carnegie Mellon’s Masters in Software Engineering program. Yes, we redesigned their logo, rewrote the critical copy, […]

Earlier this month, Google announced a significant change to their AdWords advertising platform – “Enhanced Campaigns.” The new functionality of “Enhanced Campaigns” allows for more efficient campaign management when advertising across multiple devices – PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, hybrid devices, mini-tablets, and more. Here’s a quick look at the specifics behind this change. Why “Enhanced […]

Let’s talk for a minute about the word “online” in the world of SEO. Online education isn’t what it used to be. Students, parents and educators alike are embracing the benefits of taking classes online, at a distance, as scheduling allows. More and more universities are offering the very same courses at a distance, with […]

A shift from outbound to inbound marketing can seem like a major transition for any institution. We recommend getting started by taking stock of your current approach.