Ideas, insights and inspirations.

A few weeks ago, right before school started, my six-year-old son and I went to Herseypark amusement park, in Hershey PA. It’s about a three-hour drive from home, so going there was a commitment, and expectations were high, particularly since going there with his older brother and sister had been a ritual that we absolutely loved for years. I hadn’t been there for seven years, so I was interested to see what changes had been made, and hopeful that they’d kept everything we loved. Our natural first stop, before we’d even left home, was the web site. I’m thinking we’ll check out the rides (and, quietly, the height requirement) and maybe even buy tickets online so that we can just stroll through the gate. Good in theory, bad in practice. Think about this interaction: you google “Hersheypark” and of course up comes the “official” web site. Wouldn’t you want me, right then, to book online? Wouldn’t you want to offer … Continue reading

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We’re surrounded by RF, IR, EM, and God-knows-what-else. My six-year-old son has his own iMac (the original Bondi Blue one; a hand-me-down from his big sister). He “checks it” early in the morning before school. He’s been able to launch apps and change screen resolution since he was three. He knows the difference between Safari, Firefox, IE, and Netscape. My 19-year-old son and 21-year-old daughter, both away at college, don’t email or even call anymore: they text. My students email me at all hours. Sometimes I’ll return emails at one or two in the morning. I usually get replies immediately. The average person gets 117 emails a day. In this respect at least, I find that I am above average. I pumped gas the other day. The monitor on the pump told me all about the specials I could get (none of which I remember, by the way). I went grocery shopping. There were coupons in aisles for me, and … Continue reading