
Google Announces Expanded Paid Text Ads

Mobile searchers

With people relying on mobile more than ever – over half of the trillions of Google searches happen on mobile – Google recently announced changes to favor the mobile experience.

Google is calling this the biggest change since AdWords launched 15 years ago, and in my 10+ years experience working in the platform, I would agree! The changes will expand the length of Google’s paid text ads. This change comes primarily with mobile in mind.

When the expanded text ads become available later this year, here’s what the changes will look like in the headline and description:

Google Expanded Text Ad

Ad Headline: Advertisers will now have two 30-character headlines instead of the current 25-character headline.

Ad Description: One 80-character line of description copy instead of two 35-character lines!

The increase in characters may not seem like a huge difference, but it is! The extended ad format will ultimately give us advertisers the opportunity to create a longer, engaging message to attract more qualified clicks. Google said this new format could show up to a 20% click-through rate (CTR) uplift over existing text ads.

Google hasn’t officially released a launch date for the new expanded ads, but we’ve heard chatter that it will be available by end of summer.

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