
For Best Results: An Open Mind

In my role as director of new business development at Elliance, I receive phone calls every week from people who are looking for help from a digital marketing agency. Sometimes they have an RFI or an RFP to discuss. In other cases, it’s purely a call for help. It’s rare that I chat with a prospective client who’s thinking about a project just for fun.

By the time you get around to calling someone me, you’ve already been feeling some kind of pain. Maybe you’re not seeing the applications that you want, maybe your donor pool is light, maybe sales are down. Making an investment in digital marketing is a significant choice for any organization, and there’s bound to be a good reason for it. In other words, you’ve got a problem.

Interestingly, most of the people I speak to open the conversation not with the problem, but with the solution. They know they need an SEO program. Or a mobile website. Or a full website redesign.

Elliance has a technical team that can knock your socks off. We can create that website and send your search rankings through the roof. But strategy is at the foundation of every project. The heart of this firm is in understanding and solving your business problems.

So my suggestion to you is: consider leading the problem, and be open about the possibility of new solutions. There’s no downside to revealing the structure of your business, the challenges that you’re facing, and your ideas about how you might solve them. But you’ll get more from your interaction with us — even in these early conversations — by leaving your mind open to alternate approaches.

Perhaps you’ve been on the right path all along. Or perhaps we’ll be able to pull from our past experience to suggest enhancements to your approach. Maybe we’ll even bring you something entirely new. Keeping pace with the evolution of digital marketing is our business, after all, and we’ll strive to keep you at the head of the curve, too.

Do you have a problem? If so, give me a call. Let’s talk it over. 412-586-1480 x 648