Aha! :: Elliance Blog

Higher ed marketing 101 — life is not an outcome

Today marks my son’s graduation from eighth grade — which gives me roughly two more years of immunity before the tools of higher ed marketing get turned in our direction. At 14, everything seems possible and parents mostly refrain from worrying aloud about career direction or ambition. My son and his classmates still carry themselves […]

SEO for Manufacturers: 10 Reasons for Embracing It

Manufacturers are adopting SEO in large numbers. Recall that SEO is the art and science of getting your website ranked on Google, Yahoo and Bing for the keywords that matter to you the most. Since it accounts for almost half of our business, we are in a good position to share the top 10 reasons […]

Google Knowledge Graph Creates a Pathway Towards Semantic Search

Depending on how closely you inspect Google search result pages, you may have noticed a recent change in the way some results are displayed.  For a certain set of popular search queries – mostly recognizable people and objects like authors, actors, movies, landmarks, etc. – Google is now giving us a peek inside its Knowledge […]

Responsive Design Turns Two

In typically self-effacing manner, Ethan Marcotte deflected the gobs of praise and gratitude being offered to him today, on the two-year-anniversary of his seminal A List Apart article in which he first described what’s come to be known as Responsive Web Design. I think this deserves one tiny footnote, and that’s that Ethan didn’t simply write […]

Pooh Sticks & Commandants

It’s getting hard to remember life before social media – much more so since mobile devices enabled its wholesale invasion of every corner of our lives. One of the conundrums I’ve observed people encountering is that of how heavily committed one should be to keeping up with the goings-on of his or her social set. […]

What Web Marketers Can Learn From Moneyball

In 2002, the Oakland Athletics made Major League Baseball history by wining 20 consecutive games and finishing first in the American League West, despite spending only $41 million dollars on player salaries — nearly $100 million less than big market teams like the New York Yankees. Their storybook season was later enshrined in the popular […]

Look, there goes your brand.

Suddenly it’s very quiet. How would you react if 25% of your active customer base got up and left on the same day? Would you become concerned? Perhaps, if you’re a business owner. But not if you’re a college enrollment manager, right? Because it’s commonplace. It’s commencement, and students are leaving in droves right now across […]

I See Your “Search Plus Your World” and Raise You a “Social Sidebar”

Search results have gone social.  There’s no doubt about it. Earlier this year, I wrote about Google releasing its own social network, Google+, and quickly integrating that content into regular search results for those visitors who are logged into a Google account. Bing is now taking a similar leap, re-vamping its entire search interface to […]

Why Won’t Devan Replace His Broken iPhone?

I have a friend named Devan. Like a lot of my friends (and a lot of your friends too), Devan has a cell phone. It’s an aging iPhone 3G. You can tell it apart from the iPhone 4 (and 4S) by its rounded edges and plastic case back. Devan’s had this phone for three years […]

Is Your Website Content Accessible and Universally Usable?

New content that you add to your website may not adhere to accessibility best practices. Perhaps content authors forget, lack proper training or oversight, or don’t realize its importance. Either way, a segment of your visitors may suffer because of an inconsistent—and a downright frustrating—website experience. Here’s how to fix it.